Help Desk Web Information System for COVID-19
Table of Contents
The capstone project entitled “Help Desk Web Information System for COVID-19” is a proposal made by the researchers to help combat the effect of COVID-19. It is an online platform specifically intended to cater answer the queries and respond to the needs regarding COVID-19 related questions and issues. PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap will be used to design and develop the information system.

The project entitled “Help Desk Web Information System for COVID-19” is all about implementing a system that will be used as the central repository of COVID-19 data in the country. The information system will serve as a platform wherein all information related to COVID-19 will be available and accessed by the user. The system will also have a feature wherein the users can ask or report information about COVID-19.
When the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic, fears and worries started to revolve. People are asking where and how would they could get accessible information about the Corona Virus. People wanted to be knowledgeable enough of how they could prevent their selves from getting exposed to the virus. They would like to know the status of those who are infected, quarantined and even those who are still in contact tracing. The existing systems for these queries are not enough to fed people with the knowledge about the virus. Some still want to have an easy and accessible platform wherein they can utilize to access information or to make report about possible exposure to the virus. There is also no efficient way on how to write a report and inform local strategies in combating the virus in a fast and up-to-date manner.
Proposed Solution
This project will address the above mentioned problems. The Information system will provide information about the number of those who are infected with the virus, the number of those who are quarantined and the number of those who are still contacted for possible exposure to the virus. The web based system will also be a platform wherein information about what is COVID-19, the symptoms and the risk of getting infected will be available. It will also let the users write report about possible contact to the virus. The system will help in monitoring the overall status of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the capstone project main goal is to design, develop and implement an information system to provide verified information about COVID-19. This system is in a form of Help Desk Web Information System.
Specific Objectives are the following:
- The proposed capstone project will serve as the central repository of all COVID-19 data.
- The system will help users’ access information about COVID-19.
- The capstone project is capable to let user to ask and write reports about COVID-19.
- The proposed system will also help in having a fast surveillance and contact tracing activities.
Significance of the Study
Government/Health Sectors. The output of the capstone project will benefit them by having a platform to fed information to the public about COVID-19 and possible actions to be taken.
Health Workers. The online platform will help them by having a real-time monitoring platform about COVID-19 and this system will also help them to quickly attend to those who needed their services.
Users. The proposed capstone project will highly benefit them to have an accessible platform to ask and report information related to COVID-19.
Researchers. In this time of pandemic, any solution that might help to combat the COVID-19 will be greatly appreciated. This is the right time for the researchers to showcase their skills and knowledge in computer programming, web development, database design and research.
Future Researchers. The output of the capstone project will serve as the input and baseline research for the next batch of researchers if they will upgrade the system or pursue a similar study about Help Desk Web Information System.
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