Arduino Based Irrigation System Technical Background
The hardware that the researcher we’re going to use is Laptop or personal computer, power supply, Arduino, soil moisture sensor, water sensor, water pipe, and a servo motor. The laptop or personal computer is used to operate the whole system. The power supply is used to provide electricity to the devices so that it can generate well. The Arduino is used to control and give some functions to the other devices simply by just making program or code to the Arduino IDE. The soil moisture sensor is used to detect the ground if it is dry then it will automatically activate the irrigation system to water the grain. The water sensor is used to detect if the water level will increase then it will automatically open the gate flow in the rice field. The water pipe is used to carry fluids that are controlled by the other devices. Lastly, the servo motor is used to manage the open and close process of the gate flow in the rice field.

The Researcher use an Arduino Module to run or control the soil moisture sensor and other devices that can be connected to the personal computer or laptop. The Soil Moisture Sensor is a device that can detect or sense fluid in the rice field. The Laptop or a personal computer is a tool where Arduino Device is being connected.
An Arduino IDE is an open-source Arduino Software (IDE) where we can write or encode the program that can help to operate the whole system. The C++ Programming Language and PHP Language is the back-end used in the system. An Arduino IDE can runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The environment is written in Arduino IDE and based on Processing and other open-source software.
The soil moisture sensor will be called into an action if there is moisture ingress in a process. The sensor responds very rapidly to changes in applied moisture. When the sensors are both dried, it will deliver automatically to the Arduino that was being supplied by 12 volts power. The Arduino will automatically turn on the water pump that is being ground by a servo motor, and the water will release throughout the pipes and with the use of hoses, it will flood the entire field. After the irrigation, the soil moisture will detect the wet ground automatically. Then the operation will stop, and the water will stop from releasing water. If the water sensor detect the increasing of the water level it will automatically operate the open and close process of the gate flow with the help of servo motor device.
It consist the two main options of the system, the rice field owner and the farmer manager. The rice field owner can create account, log-in, operate settings, monitor the system, update system and log-out. In behalf of the rice field owner the farmer managers have the right to log-in to the system with his/her account, monitor the system and log-out.
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