Online Platform for Year Book Compilations
Proposed System
Year Book captures memories depicting events and lives of people involved with a school during a given year. The researcher of the proposed system entitled Online Platform for Year Book Compilations provide platform that enables compilation of year book convenient. Through this system accessing year book will be easier.
Through the proposed system, the students and staff can be able to see the tasks and achievements done in previous years. This system will eradicate the manual way of accessing year book for it will have an online platform wherein in just a click you could reminisce what had happen during the previous years.

System Implementation
Online Platform for Year Book Compilations was designed and developed by the researchers to solve the problems in availability and accessibility of the schools Year Book through providing an online platform of it. If implemented, this will help to make the accessibility of year books faster and the user may take less effort in accessing it. For further improvement of the system, the researchers will present the project to the end user. They will provide questionnaire for clarification and difficulties that may be encounter while operating.
Objectives of the Study
- To help the college management, staff and student alumni easily access schools year book.
- To create system that would help for the availability of the year book.
- To provide schools a platform that would let organization of year books convenient.
- To provide fast and efficient way of accessing year books.
Significance of the Study
The following groups or individual will benefit from the project:
Management. If this project succeed. The school management would be highly benefited for this will help them in managing schools year book and making it available to a more accessible way.
Users. The users of this system like students and alumni will be benefited for they will have an easy access to the year book.
Proponents. The success of this project will help the researchers further understand the system.
Project Plan/ SDLC
In this study, the software development life cycle (SLDC) an overall process of software development which is consists of six cycles is used by the researchers.
First, the determination requirements. Software and hardware are the proposed system requirements to be used are determined by the researchers. Second is gathering data. Interviews to the management will be conducted by the researchers and will gather data or information for the system. Third is analyzing data. To be able to identify the required information needed in the development of the system and viable solution to it, those data analyzed by the researchers was being analyzed. Fourth, phase is designing. The system will be designed by the researchers and will specify the desire features. The conceptual model of user requirements whose block of codes where produced and defined its specification and operation in detail. A systematic approach is used to create a design by application of set of techniques and guidelines. Fifth is coding. Encoding codes is done by the researchers and with the help of a technical expert to debug the program and to check if there are errors. To determine the reliability of the system an incorrect data is used to test the system. Also part of it is maintaining the system.
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