Healthcare Management System with Mobile Application
Proposed system
The researchers of the system named “Healthcare management system with mobile application” aimed to create a project that will give solutions to the problem arises in the field of healthcare. Most people spend their money for their daily check-up because they don’t have easy and free access to their check-up. Thus, the development of this system is essentially required because this system provides easy access for the user and almost free of cost facility to users. This system can help assist users to check their health related issues on daily basis, which can also help improve their health. The system interface was an easy and friendly user for the end users.

The current system requires a lot of effort, costly and timely. Therefor the proponents of this system made some improvements that the current system lacks to provide. This system was proposed in order people to have easy access on the doctors, even if they are far from each other. They can still monitor their health without doctors to guide. This system at least helps users to assist and facilitate them to keep themselves healthy.
System implementation
This proposed system was implemented for the end users, to assist them in a better way to focus them on their health related issues and maintain their health on a regular basis. A representative in the group of researchers provided questionnaires to answers the questions, clarification and difficulties that would possibly arise upon operating the proposed system. In order to fill the empty space of the current, in order to perform better than the current system, this proposed system was developed. To keep people away from hassle and cost related issues.
Objectives of the study
the system goals is for the users to maintain their health conditions , even without visiting hospitals or meeting doctors, and in line with this, users can just check their health records wherever they are and anytime since this system is mobilized. Another goal of creating system is to; make users spend money, and effort on check-up every day. This system was developed for the convenience of the users. For them not feel hard and difficult.

Significance of the study
The users and the proponents will be gain benefits from this system
Users: of course users can benefit from this, because this system is intended for them. And the goal of this system is to provide a platform that could manage their health conditions. This system, will help monitor their health daily, with this, most people will surely feel healthy.
Proponents: the successful of this system will be the benefit that proponents will receive. But that does not stop, it also enhances the knowledge and understanding they obtained from creating this system.
Project Plan/SDLC Model
As operating the system, the researchers used the software development cycle (SDLC), the overall process that consists of sic cycles.
First is to determine the requirement. In this cycle the researcher determine whether its software or hardware will be used for the proposed system. Next is to gather data: this is where the researcher conducts an interview to the management office to gather data that could help for the operation of the system. Then after that is to analyse the data. In this cycle the researcher will analysed all the data they gathered, for them to identify the necessary information needed for the development of the proposed system and also to give solutions. Next will be the phase designing. The researcher will design the system that is related to the future. The specification and operation will detail and some conceptual model of the user requirements will be produced. The last cycle will be the coding. The researcher will encode all the codes with the hand of the technical expert to check if it has error or the program will debug successfully. they undergoes some testing to determine if the data is reliable.
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