Grade Management System Chapter 5 Documentation
This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation based on the findings of the study.
After conducting the research, the data gathered which includes the research method used; the respondents, the research instrument and the statistical tool used were summarized. The findings of the study were also presented in this section.
The study deals with the development of an automated student record system for any academic institution (secondary and tertiary education). The objective of the study is to develop an automated student record system to any academic institution (secondary and tertiary education) that is accurate, fast and accessible. The study aimed to: 1.) Minimize the manual system in record keeping and issuance of student’s grades. 2.) Eliminate the lag time between the submission of grades by the subject teachers and the department head to the registrar, thus preventing of delay in submission and issuance of grades. 3.) Provide a system that can be used by the faculty, department head and the registrar’s personnel. 4.) To develop a record services using database system in storing student grades. The study was conducted to assess the registrar keeping the records of the students in Any academic institution (secondary and tertiary education), the current methods and processes used by the registrar in keeping the records of the students, and the problems encountered by the students, faculty, as well as, the registrar with regards to the need in securing student’s grades and grade reports from alteration or loss, issuance of grades at the end of the semester, and submitting error-free grades by the faculty.
This study aimed to help the registrar’s office to the problems in record keeping, issuance of grades to the students, and submitting on time and error-free grades of the faculty.
Descriptive survey method of research was used in this study and questionnaires were prepared for data gathering. The survey questionnaires were distributed to actual respondents.
The total respondents of the study were one thousand nine hundred forty seven (1,946) and the sample size is three hundred thirty two (332) was determined using the Slovin’s formula. The students of the any academic institution (secondary and tertiary education) were grouped by course and by year level. Stratified random sampling technique was utilized.
The developed system was evaluated by three technical experts. The evaluation was based on the criteria on System Evaluation Instrument by using the McCall’s Software Quality Model which determined the quality of the software being developed. The evaluators had given the software a rating of 4.17, which was descriptively interpreted as very good.
Final testing was conducted by intended users of the developed system. The user acceptance mean score is 4.37, which was interpreted as excellent. Therefore, the developed software passed as a good quality software and the objective of the researchers have been achieved that is to developed a grade management system that is that is accurate, fast, and accessible.

The following conclusions were made after conducting a thorough investigation and gathering of data:
- The respondents of the study encountered a high degree of difficulty on the existing system, which is relevant to the researchers of the study. This indicates that the respondents experienced problems in securing students records, searching and retrieving student grades, the use of manual procedures by the Registrar’s Office in keeping the students record are not secured from alteration or loss, and the students encountered problems in requesting grades at the registrar’s office and as well as, the faculty in submitting error-free grade sheets.
- The extent of need of the respondents in the development of grade management system is very often needed which shows that the respondents needed the developed system in the record services and the development of grade management system is highly recommended.
- Important features should be included in the development of the system such as login. Logout, grade sheets, reports, database maintenance, and help assistant.
- Majority of the respondents prefer to change the current registrar system for accurate, fast, and accessible for the students, faculty, department chairman, and the registrar itself.
- The Automated Student Record System is the possible solution to the problems in grade issuance, securing student’s grades from alteration or loss, in submitting error-free grades sheets by the faculty, and to maintain relevant, accurate, and confidential student’s record.
- The use of Automated Student Record System of the any academic institution (secondary and tertiary education) was readily accepted by the respondents.
- The objective of the study had been achieved, that is to develop an automated student record system that is fast, accurate, and accessible.
Below are the researchers’ recommendations based on the findings and conclusions of the study.
- In order to attain accurate, fast, and accessible registrar system, the current manual system must be replaced by the automated one.
- The registrar staff, department chairman and the faculty should be trained on how to use the Automated Student Record System.
- In order to have an organized Student Record System the registrar should use an Automated Student Record System.
- In order to avoid log time in submission of grades by the faculty, problems in requesting student’s grades, and to secure grades from alteration or loss, the Automated Student Record System is highly recommended.
- The researchers also recommended the following research titles for further study:
- Online Student Record System
- E-Class Record
- SMS Student Grade Query System
Credits to the authors of the project.
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