Profile Management System of Employees Capstone Project
Proposed System
Nowadays, works are easily done by relying on technologies. Most people prefer the most convenient way of making their tasks. Businesses embraced technologies which can help them do their job easily. In a business, maintaining employee’s record is particularly important for internal purposes when it comes to getting the best out of their employees. As conjunction to this, the researchers of the proposed system entitled Profile Management System of Employees aimed to provide an online platform that will enable the administrator to manage the profile of the employees in a fast, accurate and efficient way. The system will let the administrator track employees and maintain their information up-to-date with ease. Through the use of the system, it will be easier to keep the employee’s personal information, knowledge background and technical skills.

In the existing system, keeping employee’s data cost extra burden to the administration because of the probability of encountering different problems such as time delays in processing, data inconsistency and additional cost in profile maintenance. The proposed system will overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. The proposed system will improve the existing system of keeping and compiling the profile of different employees. Having this proposed system will improve the work flow of the organization in maintaining complete details about their employee.
System Implementation
For further improvement of the system the researchers should gather different insights by presenting the proposed system to the end users. The researchers will allow the users to evaluate the system through answering different questions provided. Through this, the users can give some suggestions and recommendation to the proponents for more enhancement of the system.
Objectives of the Study
- This is to document all of the information of the employee at a centralized location.
- To maintain employee’s profile in a faster, accurate and efficient way.
- To ease the monitoring of the personnel to the staffs.
- To track employees and maintain their information up-to-date with ease.
- To provide administrators a platform to have a faster access to the profile of employees.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or group will benefit from the system.
Management. If this project succeed, the system will provide the management a platform where they can store the information of their employees for various purposes.
Administrators. The administrators will highly benefit from this study because the system will make their work hassle-free in terms of managing the profile the employees. The system will lessen their burden in keeping the records of the employees. The system will provide them a more systematic way of managing employee’s information.
Proponents. If this project succeed, the proponents will be benefited. They will know thoroughly how the system operate accurately. This will enhance their knowledge in developing system that are functional.
Project Plan/SDLC
The researchers of this project uses Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). For this project, the researchers utilizes the six steps which are; determining the project requirement, gathering of data, analyzing of data, system design and the coding phase.
First, the researchers determine the requirements needed for the system. The researcher will decide what hardware and software will be used in the system. After the researchers determine the project requirements, it is time for them to talk to the management office to gather information and important details needed for the system. Right after gathering information the researchers will analyze the data to determine the necessary information needed for the system. Once, the researchers have the clear and detailed product requirements, it is time to design the complete system. The system design will have the understanding and detailing the complete hardware and communication setup for the product under development. Lastly, after designing the system the coding phase will start. The coding is performed based on the coding guidelines and standards. The code goes through numerous code reviews and is optimized for best performance before the final building of the system.
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap
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