Mobile Based Emergency Assistance App with Admin Portal

Mobile Based Emergency Assistance App with Admin Portal

The project entitled Mobile Based Emergency Assistance App with Admin Portal is a system that can be accessed by the users through their mobile devices (mobile phone, tablet, etc.), on the other side, administrators (police, rescue team) can receive emergency messages through the online admin panel and sms notification.

For the development of the said system the researchers used the following system development tools:

PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for the web and admin panel

Framework 7 and Apache Cordova were used for the mobile application


This chapter contains the review of related literature of the proposed system which consists of the foreign and local literature. For further understanding of the study, the researchers made use of the different reading materials related to the proposed system. The materials are books, thesis, and other related website articles in addition to the knowledge of the researchers. These also guide the researchers to achieve the target objectives by getting ideas on other similar studies and make improvements as possible.

Foreign Literature

An Android-Based Monitoring and Alarm System for Patients with Chronic Obtrusive Disease

“According to Koshmak (2011) in An Android-Based Monitoring and Alarm System for Patients with Chronic Obtrusive Disease, the system allows communication between a patient and medical personnel using a smartphone, which will collect, analyze and transfer heart rate and oxygen saturation data for subsequent review by a medical professional (”.

Emergency Reporting Using Smartphone

“According to Patil (2013), in Emergency Reporting Using Smartphone, the detailed survey of existing systems and proposed system to overcome the common problem of having manual intervention while reporting an emergency, this system will record and report an emergency in real time. It works in three steps as Detection of emergency, data collection & processing and reporting it to outside world. Electronic sensor with Bluetooth module will trigger emergency and transmit the data over Bluetooth communication (short range protocol), whereas the Smartphone, which is paired & in the range of the sensor (10 to 100 meters depends on upon Bluetooth class), will work as receiver of this information and responsible for recording and processing it further. The smartphone will upload that emergency along with other information like current location tracked by GPS on the phone, mobile number (person’s identity) and incident time over the internet (long range protocol) to concern website (”.

A Real Time Web-Based Electronic Triage, Resource Allocation and Hospital Dispatch System for Emergency Response

“According to INAMPUDI (2011), in A Real Time Web-Based Electronic Triage, Resource Allocation and Hospital Dispatch System for Emergency Response, a web-based real-time resource allocation tool that can assist the Incident Commanders in resource allocation and transportation for multiple simultaneous incidents has been developed. This tool generates an optimal transportation plan such that emergency sites with highest priorities for a resource are assigned the resources in the least amount of time. This web-based tool also computes the patient dispatch schedule from each disaster site to each hospital (”.

A MobileBased Emergency Response System for Intelligent MGovernment Services

“According to Amailef and Lu (2011) in A Mobile‐Based Emergency Response System for Intelligent M‐Government Services, the purpose of this paper is to present an intelligent mobile-based emergency response system (MERS) framework, a text information extraction and aggregation algorithm to integrate information from multiple sources in the MERS system, and an ontology-supported case-based reasoning system for the MERS system (”.

Alerting Security Authorities and Civilians with Smartphones in Acute Situations

“According to Auvien, Kauppinen, Kettunen, Korhonen, Kuula, Vitanen (2013) in Alerting Security Authorities and Civilians with Smartphones in Acute Situations, this article describes case studies which The University of Jyväskylä has made for considering how well smartphones can use for emergency alerting in different situations. The alerting system utilizes multiple technical features of smartphones for ensuring that the alerts will get through and become noticed in all circumstances. It also operates independently from commercial telecommunication operators, and if open WLAN is available, emergency alerts can be sent even if mobile phone base stations are down (”.

Local Literature

Using GPS TrackeriSERVE- An Android-Based Artificial Intelligence Emergency CP(Crime Prevention) Response System Using GPS Tracker

“According to Sucgang, Villanueva, Macawile, Antivo and Tipay (2015) in Using GPS TrackeriSERVE- An Android-Based Artificial Intelligence Emergency CP(Crime Prevention) Response System Using GPS Tracker, the system is intended to function in case of emergencies within the society. In this paper, we present Android-Based Artificial Intelligence Support for Emergency CP (Crime Prevention) Response System using GPS Tracker, which enables Android phones GPS tracker at disaster times over any Internet Connection or Wi-Fi. Anybody who is in an emergency will call the EMS. Location Coordinates are sending each request through the use of GPS Tracker. This will work as a client-Server system; wherein the server responds to the request of the Clients. The system is implemented as an Android Based Java Application (”.

Quick Response Funds and DRRM Resources in the Department of National Defense (OSEC and OCD) and Various Departments (DSWD, DPWH, DA, and DepEd)

“According to Domingo (2013) in Quick Response Funds and DRRM Resources in the Department of National Defense (OSEC and OCD) and Various Departments (DSWD, DPWH, DA and DepEd), the study assessed the process of Quick Response Fund (QRF) allocation, administration and implementation under the various executive departments with cognizance of national disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) imperatives. Key indicators were examined, and appropriation levels were analysed to see whether the resources aid in the provision of appropriate response in the face of calamities/disasters (”.

Mobile Emergency Response Application Using Geolocation for Command Centers

“According to Ado, J. de Guzman, RC. de Guzman (2014) in Mobile Emergency Response Application Using Geolocation for Command Centers, this paper introduces Mobile Emergency Response Application using Geolocation for Command Centers. It is a combination of a mobile and web application for responding to emergency requests for an ambulance, fire truck and police by people in a particular area or city. The mobile application would detect user’s current location through geolocation and sends to the web application deployed in a command center the name, age, mobile number and place of the user for easy dispatching of emergency units (”.

Motorcycles for Emergency Rescue and Relief Operations

“According to Alba (2015) in Motorcycles for Emergency Rescue and Relief Operations, its 2015 Asia Pacific Disaster Report: Disasters Without Borders, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) noted that the Philippines ranks first in Asia and third in the world among countries with the highest risk of disasters. UN ESCAP defines risk as the combination of exposure and susceptibility of the country to disasters and coping and adaptive capacity of the government and medical services. Capacity development and resilience building must not only be limited to national agencies, but it must permeate all sectors, the report added (”.

Prior Arts

SAGIPPINOY: Web and Mobile-Based Philippine Emergency Quick Response Portal

“According to Bahio, Laya, Ramirez and Pondoyo (2014) in SagipPinoy: Web and Mobile Based Philippine Emergency Quick Response Portal, is an application that can provide interaction between the concerned citizens and the emergency units. This application can help Filipino citizens in case of emergencies, disasters and calamities such as car accidents, crimes, earthquakes, typhoons, fire accident, and just a click of the emergency fingertip units will be aware of the users NIL the emergency. This study aims to design and develop an application that can locate nearest emergency units; to send location details to the emergency units and to broadcast an alarm to at least five nearest emergency teams and for the emergency units they can locate the accident area; they can also send notifications to the victims that they are responded (”.


At present, the process of notifying any respondents and authority in case of emergency is done in many ways which include mobile applications such as Bluetooth, GPS tracker, Geo-location, WLAN and traditional communication such as face to face conversation. The related studies on quick emergency response have the same features which are efficient in disseminating incident information and generating incident reports. The difference of the existing   system from the Mobile Based Emergency Assistance App with Admin Portal is the combination of web and mobile application with Global Positioning System (GPS). It has an SMS support for both smartphones and smartphones. Existing system uses Bluetooth to share information which is limited only from 10 to 100 meters, whereas the proposed system will use internet connection to share information conveniently.

The related literature and studies served as the guide in the development of this proposed software. It helps the system in doing accurate and efficient output. It is desired to generate incident reports needed by the BFP, police officers, rescue team and hospitals for data recording/retrieving purposes. The gap of the developed system to the other related system is the Mobile Based Emergency Assistance App with Admin Portal wherein it uses a mobile devices connected to the Web application of the scheme and SMS (text) notification which contains incident alert to the respondents.

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