100+ IT Thesis and Capstone Project Source code and Documentation

For students of Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Science and any other related computer courses, inettutor presents the compilation of thesis and capstone project that you may use for your school requirements.Android First Aid App
Available in JQuery Mobile with complete documentation
Chapters 1 to 5 are available, source code under development
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Full documentation from chapters 1 to 5.
Development Tools: Visual Basic and MS Access
Available in WordPress and BuddyPress, Joomla and JomSocial, Complete Documentation
Development Tools: Android Studio (Java), Arduino
Development Tools: Android Studio (Java), SQLite with complete documentation
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapters 1 to 3
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile/Framework7, Phonegap Build
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Phonegap Build/Apache Cordova
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile/Local Storage, Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 3
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile/Local Storage, Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Arduino, Java, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap and iTexMo SMS API
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
- Automatic Control Streetlights System using IR Sensor with Mobile App Support PDF File
Development Tools: Arduino, Java, - Barcode Based Attendance Information Security Management System Documentation
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for web and C# version of this project
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for web and C# version of this project
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for web and C# version of this project
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for web and C# version of this project
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: WordPress and WooCommerce
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for web and C# version of this project
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, web version is still under development
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, PHP and MySQL version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: QGIS
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, JQuery Mobile and Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, PHP and MySQL version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, PHP and MySQL version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, PHP and MySQL version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, JQuery Mobile and Phonegap Build
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, PHP and MySQL version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Arduino, Java, iTexMo SMS API
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Apache Cordova and Firebase
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova for mobile, PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for web development
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova for mobile, PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for web development
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Android Studio (Java), SQLite
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova for mobile, PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for web development
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile/Framework7 and Apache Cordova
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap and iTexMo SMS API
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap and iTexMo SMS API
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: WordPress
Development Tools: WordPress, available also in PHP and MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap, CMS (WordPress) version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: C# and Java
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP and MySQL for the web and JQuery Mobile for mobile app
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile and Apache Cordova
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL, you can also request for C# and version
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: Visual Basic/.Net, MS Access/MySQL
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP and MySQL for web panel and JQuery Mobile for mobile app
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP and MySQL for web panel and JQuery Mobile for mobile app
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP and MySQL for web panel and JQuery Mobile for mobile app
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP and MySQL for web panel and JQuery Mobile for mobile app
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap, WordPress version is also available
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for the web version and Framework7 for the mobile app
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap, available also in Moodle
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Local Storage and Apache Cordova
Documentation: Chapter 1 to 5
More projects to come, please visit this post for updates.
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