Socio-Academic Online Portal Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter talks about the review of related literature of the developed Socio-academic Web Portal for administrators, students, teachers, faculty and staff and stakeholders of ACADEMIC INSTITUTION. Concepts that focused on the development and design issues of Social Networking was also discussed here.
Web Portal
A web portal is most often one specially-designed Web page at a website which brings information together from diverse sources in a uniform way. Usually, each information source gets its dedicated area on the page for displaying information (a portlet); often, the user can configure which ones to display. A portal may use a search engine API to permit users to search intranet content as opposed to extranet content by restricting which domains may be searched. Apart from this common search engines feature, web portals may offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock quotes, information from databases and even entertainment content. Portals provide a way for enterprises and organizations to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple applications and databases, which otherwise would have been different web entities at various URLs. The features available may be restricted by whether access is by an authorized and authenticated user (employee,member) or an anonymous site visitor. (

According to MariosAlexandrou a web portal is a term, often used interchangeably with gateway, for a World Wide Website whose purpose is to be a major starting point for users when they connect to the Web. There are general portals and specialized or niche portals. Some major general portals include Yahoo, CNET, AOL, and MSN. Private niche portals are those that are used by employees of a company. Companies such as IBM and MasterCard use portals to help disseminate information to their employees in a timely and efficient manner.
A number of large access providers offer portals to the Web for their own users. Most portals have adopted the Yahoo style of content categories with a light-weight, text-based page that loads quickly. Companies with portal sites have attracted much stock market investor interest because portals are viewed as able to command large audiences which in turn translates to a large number of advertising viewers.
Typical services offered by public portal sites include a directory of Websites, a facility to search for other sites, news, weather information, e-mail, stock quotes, phone and map information, and sometimes a community forum. Private portals often include access to payroll information, internal phone directories, company news, and employee documentation. (
According to Faust Gorgam a Web/Portal Initiative is focused on enhancing the technology infrastructure for web sites and applications, and on developing the portal as a universal site for applicants, students, faculty, staff, and alumni to access information and applications. Actual web content is primarily the responsibility of Communications, who is also the key stakeholder for prioritizing web technology enhancements along with the Web Oversight Committee. Portal development is primarily led by IT (under this initiative) as informed by the Portal Advisory Group and key campus stakeholders.
Simplified access to information and resources for members of the University community; technology infrastructure capable of supporting distributed web site responsibility and advanced web functionality.
How success will transform the University’s ability to do or ways of doing business?
By defining the main web site as primarily an external communications and marketing vehicle and focusing the portal towards internal users, we can build out both in a cleaner manner. By focusing applications in the portal and deploying single sign-on, federated authentication, etc., we can transform the user experience for locating information and obtaining services.(
School Based Website
by: zelmerG, September 2012
The importance of the Internet as an essential addition to the school landscape is becoming very evident (Hartshorne, Friedman, Algozzone&Isibor, 2006). The elementary process and, in the development of such; teachers need to find new and exciting ways for knowledge attainment. The use of technologies, such as the Internet, allows students to communicate globally, parents to become more involved and provides a place for supplemental curriculum material to be accessed by all persons associated with the educational process. The Internet is an attractive source ofinformation for parents because of its round-the-clock availability, speed, and enormous range of information (Martland&Rothbaum, 2006, p. 839). A high school website can provide a comprehensive illustration of a school’s curriculum, and its development can be a collaborative effort, addressing the goals and needs of different elements within the school (Hartshorne, Friedman, Algozzone&Isibor, 2006).(
The Article published by MariousAlexandrou, Faust Gorgam, zelmerG and had given the researchers relevant information in the present study particularly in the users role in the proposed project, different kinds of portals, features and services offered by portals.
The purpose of MooPlace is to provide a facility for Filipinos from different parts of the globe to keep in touch, unite and share aspects of their lives with family, friends and loved ones. Filipino families will never be apart again as no matter where they are in the world; they can be reached easily at Social Networks. Member’s information is sealed and kept totally secured which can be configured privately or shared publicly need.
Explore and discover an incredible number of site features that you can utilize for 100% free. There are opportunities to meet new friends, enter site competitions, play games, watch old and new movies, listen to music, upload unlimited photos, catch up with your favorite sport and generally have a good time. Your favorite TV shows from the Philippines can be viewed and don’t forget to upload all your best photos for sharing with friends as you please. is a family website put together by Filipino’s who recognized a need. (
The development of MooPlace was intended for Filipino families to keep them in touch; this system is mainly focused on offering to the users the chance to meet new entities, play games, watch movies, listen to music and even view TV shows in the Philippines while the development of Socio-academic Web Portal for administrators, students, teachers, faculty, staff and stakeholders of ACADEMIC INSTITUTION was intended mainly to support collaboration of ACADEMIC INSTITUTION community by establishing features that let the members create their own group.
Also the dissemination of institutional information was supported by the posting of department chairs in the system and administrator, and also the Info Board feature of the developed project.
The abovementioned concepts on Web Portal and Student Based Website is relevant to the present project because these serves as foundation in the development of ACADEMIC INSTITUTION that will ease the way of students in having information regarding on their Instructors and about school updates, programs, activities and up-coming events. The concepts also point to the benefits and how success will transform the school’s ability to do or ways of doing school businesses.
The concept on Student Based Website is used as basis by the researchers in the formulation of the proposed project to be considered in the features that should be included in the development of the project.
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