Employee Leave Management System Free Download

Employee Leave Management System Free Download

Introduction of the Study

The capstone project entitled “Employee Leave Management System” will allow automated management of employee leave. The system will allow the application, approval and management of employee leave to be processed electronically.

In businesses, employers want to keep employees in work at all time but it is not possible, employees deserves their fair share of time to rest and recuperate so business organizations must grant work leaves to their employees because overworked employees are unproductive one. Most of the organizations uses manual approach to process employee leave application which is very tricky and challenging. Within just one misstep in the process it can cause problems to the organization especially in payroll processing and legal complications. The use of the manual method is not efficient and will probably cause delays and will take too much time and effort for both sides. What organizations need is a tool to help them effectively process and manage the employee’s leave application.

Proposed Solution

To address the concerns mentioned above, the researchers of the study proposed an Employee Leave Management System to electronically process and manage employee leave applications.  The project will provide a platform wherein managing of employee’s leave will be automated in a hassle-free manner for both the management and the employees. The proposed system would be the solution in handling all the stages involve in leave management such as application, approval/rejection, filing leaves, managing leave balance, and analysis. The system is an efficient and reliable tool for organizations.

Objective of the Study

General Objective – the main goal of the project is to design and develop an Employee Leave Management System that will electronically handle the processes of the employee leave applications.

Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:

  1. To provide a system that would serve as a centralized location for work leave requests.
  2. To provide a system that would help business organizations process efficiently the transactions involving work leave filing and applications.
  3. To provide an up-to-date information system for leave management.
  4. To provide a system that would reduce the manual work of a business.
  5. To design a system that is more convenient and has a comfortable environment for the administrators and the users.

Significance of the Study

The following individual or groups will benefit from the project:

Organizations. The system will help them in processing the leave requests of different employees. The system will ease up the job of the in-charge staff that manage the leave applications. The used of the system will lessen the problem that they might encounter in the organizations regarding leave applications.

Employees. The success of the system will significantly benefit the employees for it will be very easy for them to file for work leave. They will have a platform wherein they will not loss track of their leave balances and will let them know when will be the perfect time to file for leave.

Researchers. The success of the project will help them gain more experience, knowledge and skills in developing helpful programs.

Future Researchers. The study conducted will serve as their guide in developing their own version of Employee Leave Management System.

Development Tools

The capstone project ”Employee Leave Management System” is a system that allow organizations to electronically manage their employees leave application. The system will ease up the completion of the processes involve in employee leave.

This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in an Employee Leave Management System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.

Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.

Project Highlights

The capstone project entitled ”Employee Leave Management System” is a database driven system that will automate the processes in managing employee leave applications. The system will help in completing the processes involve in applying for leave.

Here are some of the advantages of the Employee Leave Management System:

  1. Automated application and processing- the system will ease up application and processing for employee leave
  2. Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of leave electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
  3. Report Generation – the system automatically generate and provide real-time reports about the status of the employee’s leave.

How the Employee Leave Management Works

This section of the paper will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the Employee Leave Management System.

Administrator Account

Login Form – this form will be used by the intended users of the system to access the system. Each of them will have their unique username and password to be able to login to the system.

Shown below is the design of the log in form. (visit our facebook page more the complete screenshots of the project)

Admin Dashboardthe dashboard will serve as the homepage of the administrator wherein tools to navigate the system are displayed. The dashboard mainly display the following information mentioned below.

  • number of employee
  • number of leave application
  • number of approved application
  • number of pending application
  • number of cancelled application

The image shown below is the design of the administrator’s dashboard.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard

Department Managementthe department management module requires the administrator or encoder to input the following information about the different department in the organization.

  • Department Short name
  • Department Name

Shown below is the layout of the department management module.

Designation Managementthis module requires the admin or encoder to enter the designation details of the employees. The following information below are required to be entered in the system.

  • Designation name
  • Designation description

The image below is the layout of the designation management module.

Employee Managementthe employee management module requires the information about the employees to be input in the system.

The admin or the encoder needs to enter the following information:

  • Employee ID number
  • Last name
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Email Address
  • Contact number
  • Department – drop down/combo box
  • Designation – drop down/combo box
  • Profile Image
  • Username
  • Password
  • Account Status – (activated, deactivated)

Shown below is the layout of the employees management module.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Employee Management
Employee Management

Leave Type Management – the leave type management module requires the data about what type of leave were applied.

The details are the following:

  • Leave name – (ex. Maternity leave, sick leave)
  • Leave description
  • Number of days allowed

The image below is the design of the leave type management module.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Leave Type Management
Leave Type Management

Leave Applicationthis form requires the following information to be filled out in applying for leave.The following information are need to be filled out:

  • Reference number – unique code automatically provided or generated by the system
  • Employee ID number
  • Leave Name – drop down/combo box
  • Date of Application
  • Attachment – file or image attachment
  • Leave Status – (pending, approved, cancelled)
  • Remarks
  • Date Updated – date of approval or cancellation

The image below is the design of the leave application form.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Leave Application Management
Leave Application Management

SMS API Management the SMS API module requires the following information to be entered to the system.

  • API Code
  • API Password
  • Updated by – user who updates the sms api

Shown below is the layout of the SMS API Management module.

User Accountsthe administrator of the system can add another user account that can access the project.

User management module includes the following information:

  • Full name
  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • User Category
  • Account Status

The image shown below is the layout of the users account module.

Leave Report – the leave report page displays the information about the status of the leave applications. The report will presented using a table and a graph.

Shown below is the design of the leave report form.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Leave Graphical Report
Leave Graphical Report

Employee Account

Employee Dashboardthe dashboard serves as the homepage of the employees registered in the system. The dashboard displays the following information:

  • number of leave application
  • number of approved application
  • number of pending application
  • number of cancelled application

Shown below is the design of the employee’s dashboard.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Employee Dashboard
Employee Dashboard

Update Profilethis form will let the employee update their profile information registered in the system.

The following information can be updated by the employee:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Email Address
  • Contact number
  • Profile Image
  • Username
  • Password

The image below is the design of the update profile form.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Profile Update
Profile Update

Leave Application – this form will only allow the employee to view and apply for leave.

The following information can be viewed and filled out by the employees:

  • Reference number – unique code automatically provided or generated by the system
  • Leave Name – drop down/combo box
  • Date of Application
  • Attachment – file or image attachment
  • Leave Status – (pending, approved, cancelled)
  • Remarks
  • Date Updated

Shown below is the design of the leave application form.

Employee Leave Management Free Bootstrap Template - Leave Application
Leave Application


Nowadays, companies or organizations aim to fully optimize their potential to efficiently manage different aspect of the business in order for them to achieve their goals. The study showed that the developed Employee Leave Management System met the need of the respondents and its intended users. The result showed that the majority of the respondents and intended users found that the manual method of managing the employee leave applications  should be eliminated and replaced with a more advance system which will automate the whole process.

Hence, the researchers concluded that the implementation of  the Employee Leave Management System will provide an effective way of managing the different employee leave requests. The system will eliminate all the problems encountered in the manual method which will help the companies or organization better improve their business operations.


The implementation of Employee Leave Management System in companies or organizations is highly recommended by the researchers in order to have an easy way in managing the request of employees for leave and also keeping the records of leave securely. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the organization in automating the processes for employees leave. The intended users should have enough knowledge on how the developed system is going to work.

The following recommendations are:

  1. Organizations and companies should consider using the system in to their operation for it will ease up their job in managing the employees request for leave.
  2. Employee Leave Management system is highly recommended for it ensures effectively manage employees leave as well as keeping records of it electronically safe.
  3. Employee Leave Management System must be installed in the partment within the organization that handles the management of the employees leave.


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