Dictionary Application User’s Manual

Dictionary Application User’s Manual This is the pdf file that contains a step by step procedure on how to operate the dictionary program. the tutorial contains the following modules: I. How to search word II. How to login

Psychology App in JQuery Mobile and Phonegap

Summary Psychological application collects the most important concepts of the different psychological currents developed by human. This features Psychoanalysis, Relational psychology, Psychological Facts and Psychological Quotes. It also has tests that can determine attitude and characteristic of a person.  It…

Elearning System for Filipino Subject using PHP and MySQL

Elearning System for Filipino Subject using PHP and MySQL Database schema tbllogin(id, username, password, email, accounttype(admin,student)) tblstudent(id, firstname, middlename, lastname, loginid) tbllesson(id, topicname, yunit(yunit1, yunit2, yunit3, yunit4), contents, pdf) tblquiz(id, lessonid, question, answer1, answer2, answer3, correctanswer,) tblscore(id, tblquizid, score, numofitems,…

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