Lots of organization now uses computerized transactions but there are some are not. One of those is Supreme Student Council (SSC), an organization that uses manual process of listing attendance in an activity cards. This organization needed to have a computerized process for their transaction to make it convenient.

It is a mere fact that using computer based system in school transaction is reliable for the organization for fast and easy processing. That’s why; we are proposing “SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL (SSC) STUDENTS ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEM USING BARCODE” for fast and convenient transaction.


The goal of this project is to provide simplicity as well as the information of SSC activities. Its main objective is to provide fast and easy attendance monitoring.

Project Context

The Supreme Student Council (SSC) aims to achieve full automation in monitoring the attendance of every student in every school activities.

Currently, the process of monitoring the attendance of every student is done manually. Where in activity cards, listing attendance in a sheet of paper are only use in monitoring the attendance of every student. Having this work done all over again seems to be tedious and time consuming. With these method errors, redundancy and discrepancies are inevitable. Notwithstanding the tedious workload imposed to the Supreme Student Council (SSC) members. Hence, the Supreme Student Council (SSC) deemed the need of an information system that will resolved the aforementioned issues and embarked on various information and communication technology.

Project Purpose and Description

The Supreme Student Council (SSC) of  desires to show greater level of transparency in all of its transactions and aims to implement barcode attendance monitoring system of participation of students in every school activities. With the vast amount of students in the school, the manual mode of doing transaction imposes heavy workload for SSC members.

The  SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL (SSC) STUDENTS ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE AND  MONITORING SYSTEM is a computerized system used to store data’s from every student that participate the activity using a barcode scanner and will display a bar graph to monitor who’s the most attending course in every school activity. The system provides solution to improve the efficiency of managing the school activities transaction.

General Objectives

The main objective of this study is to develop an operational SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL (SSC) STUDENTS ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEM specifically it aims:

  • Easily and fast tracking of student’s attendance in every activity.
  • To minimize time consumption of finding attendance in a sheet of paper.
  • To minimize time consumption in signing of students activity card.
  • To provide a graph to monitor the most attending department in every school activities.
  • To secure the students attendance in every school activities.
Attendance System Using Barcode
Attendance System Using Barcode

Scope and Limitation

The system will be able to:

  • Add, update students information.
  • Add, update and remove courses record.
  • Add, update and remove activities record.
  • Display a graph and count the most attending course in every year level and print the result.
  • Display the result in every activity to secure the students attendance and print the result.
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