Online School Documents Processing System Free Bootstrap Template
Table of Contents
As an educational institution, schools must process various documents, including student transcripts of records, diplomas, and other school documents that students may require for whatever valid purpose it may serve. Students used to have to go to the school in person to make a request, which could take a long time. When students requested the documents, schools printed them in hard copy. Given how we are technologically driven at present, this strategy is a little out of date. The researchers attempted to provide an answer for this problem by providing an IT-based approach. The researchers wanted to create an online platform that would allow students and the school’s registrar to transact regarding school document processing. The capstone project, “Online School Documents Processing System,” is intended to streamline the processing of school documents by students and the registrar’s office. The said project will be designed and developed using PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The old way of processing school paperwork will be phased out as part of this initiative. Digital school documents will take the place of hard copies. The project will be developed using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique, which follows a step-by-step process. The researchers will present the system to the target end-users for assessment and evaluation when it has been developed. school registrar’s staff and students to engage in the study for the intended end-users. A panel of IT professionals will also assess the project and make recommendations for improving it further. The researchers will next make changes to the system based on the findings of the evaluation. The technology’s adoption will streamline and simplify the school’s document processing system.
Introduction of the Study
The usage of technology is an advantage for educational institutions to automate various school transactions. The capstone project, “Online School Documents Processing System,” is a web-based platform for processing various school documents. Students and the school’s registrar’s office will conduct transactions electronically using the said project.
The school’s registrar must process various documents, including student transcripts of records, diplomas, and other school documents that students may request for whatever valid purpose it may serve. Students need to request a certified copy of their documents for their validity and credibility. Conventionally, document processing is done manually. Students used to have to go to the school in person to make a request, which could take a long time. They must wait in long lines to get in to make requests and payment for the documents they requested. After the student makes the request, the registrar’s office will process, produce the document in hard copy and release it to the student. The conventional method requires both the students and staff in the registrar’s office to spend valuable time and effort to complete the transaction. This method is outdated and inefficient. There is an evident need to upgrade the system used for school document processing.
Proposed Solution
As a response to the concerns mentioned earlier, the researchers proposed the development of the Online School Documents Processing System. The proposed project intends to automate the whole process of requesting and processing school documents. The students and the registrar’s office can transact electronically to complete the document processing. The students can make a request electronically using the system. The registrar’s office will approve the request and process the certified copy of the document that students download. All student-related documents will be saved in a centralized database using this system. The system will eliminate all tangible copies of documents as well as tons of other items that have taken up much physical space. The documents are processed promptly, and requests for school documents are responded to quickly and efficiently.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective of the project – the primary goal of the project is to automate the school document processing system efficiently and effectively.
The researchers specifically aim the following objectives:
- To eliminate the manual method of processing school documents.
- To digitally transform copies of school documents that are downloadable for students.
- To develop a system that will serve as a centralized repository of school documents.
- To electronically streamline transactions between students and the registrar’s office.
- To evaluate the system in terms of user acceptability, effectiveness, productivity, quality, and reliability.
Significance of the Study
Registrars Office. The project’s success will immediately benefit them.. The system will assist them in reducing their workload. They will not have to waste much time processing the students’ documents.
Students. They can conveniently process the inquiry of their documents. They can send an electronic request as well as pay the documents electronically.
Researchers. If the project succeeds, this will help them provide more solutions that will eliminate problems in manual ways.
Future Researchers. The output of the capstone project can serve as their basis in their version of the Online School Document Processing System. Documents will serve as the related literature, and the system can be upgraded based on the future requirements of the institution.
Development Tools
The Online School Document Processing System will be hosted on a live server or in the cloud, necessitating the purchase of a domain name and web hosting services. The project will primarily consist of a web-based system that will be designed and developed with PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The capstone project’s output will be integrated into the school’s website, maintained by the institution’s ICT staff. For faster information dissemination, an SMS or short messaging service will also be integrated. In addition, GCash and other local money transfer services are available as payment options.
This article will provide you with an idea of the forms to be included in an Online School Document Processing System. Bootstrap were used to develop the said template. The team can also develop the complete project based on your requirements.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, “Online Document Processing System,” is a database-driven system that will automate the school document processing system. The system will serve as a centralized database of the school documents.
The following are the advantages of the Online School Document Processing System:
- Automated Process – the system will ease up and simplify the process of inquiring school documents
- Records Management is a database system that makes the records of transactions electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generates and provides reports related to school document processing transactions.
How the System Works
Login Form – this form will be used by the end-users to access the system. They must input the correct combination of their username and password to log in to the system.
Shown below is the design of the system’s Login Form.

Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the system administrator where significant records are displayed. The admin can access the records and features to navigate the system.
The following pieces of information are mainly displayed in the dashboard:
- Number of students
- Number of total requests
- Number of pending requests
- Number of the completed request
The image shown below is the design of the Administrator’s dashboard.

Manage Course Information – this module allows the system administrator to manage course information encoded in the system.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Course name
- Course description
Shown below is the layout of the Manage Course Information module.

Manage Student Information – this module allow the admin to manage the information of registered students in the system. The admin can add or update the information of students.
The following pieces of information will be encoded for students information:
- Student ID number
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Course
- Year Level
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Complete Address
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
The image below is the Manage Student Information module layout.

Document Information Management – this module requires the system administrator to manage the information of school documents. This module requires the specific details of every school document that students may process.
The following pieces of information are entered in the module:
- Document name
- Description
- Number of days to process
- Amount
Shown below is the user interface of the Document Information Management module.

Document Request – this form allows the admin to manage the list of requested documents by students.
The form requires and displays the following information of Document Requests:
- Control Number – system generated
- Student ID Number
- Document Name
- Number of copies
- Date of Request
- Date of Releasing
- Processing Officer
- Status – pending, paid, received
- Remarks
Shown below is the form design of the Document Request module.

Payment Processing – this module allows the admin to manage the payment process of students for the document they requested.
The following pieces of information are encoded in the system for payment processing:
- Document Request Control Number
- Total Amount
- Amount Paid
- Date of Payment
- Proof of Payment
- Status – verified, rejected
Shown below is the form layout that displays the Payment processing module design.

User Management – This module allows the admin to manage the users of the system. The admin can add, edit or delete users of the system.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Complete name
- Designation
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Username
- Password
The image displayed below is the layout of the User Management module.

Income Report by Month – this page displays the income report for processed school documents by month. A table and graph will be used to present the report to quickly analyze and visualize the records.
The user interface of the Income Report by Month page is seen below.

Number of Requests by Course – this page displays the number of document requests by course of students who requested. A table and graph will be used to present the report.
The image below is the design of the Number of Requests by Course report page.
Statistics by Request Status – this page displays the overall report of the requested document’s statistics by request status (pending, paid, received). The report will be presented using a table and graph.
The image below is the design of the Statistics by Request Status page.
Please visit our FB page for the complete screenshots of the project.
Student Account
List of the previous request – this module displays the list of previously requested school documents by students. This will allow students to view documents that they requested and download them.
The following pieces of information are visible in the list of the previous request:
- Control Number – system generated
- Student ID Number
- Document Name
- Number of copies
- Date of Request
- Date of Releasing
- Processing Officer
- Status – pending, paid, received
- Remarks
- Download button
Shown below is the design of the List of Previous Request modules.

New Request Form – this form will allow students to make a new request for a school document.
The students will encode the following information to request:
- Document Name
- Number of copies
- Date of Request
- Remarks
The image below is the design of the New Request Form.
Payment Processing – this module allows students to process the payment for the school document they requested.
The students will input the following information to process their payment:
- Document Request Control Number
- Total Amount
- Amount Paid
- Date of Payment
- Proof of Payment – upload receipt
- Status – verified, rejected
Shown below is the design of the Payment Processing module.

Profile – this module allows students to manage their profiles in the system. They can add or update their profile information.
The students will encode the following information for their profiles:
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Course
- Year Level
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Complete Address
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the design of the Profile module.
Password of the downloadable file is m3l5js;346.
The researchers conducted this study to assess the current system used by schools for document processing. Based on the initial investigation, schools have conventionally used the traditional face-to-face document processing transactions. This method is seen as inefficient and prone to human errors. With this, the researchers suggest the development of the Online School Document Processing System. The researchers develop the project and present it to the target end-users. The study result showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the intended users. The majority of the respondents rated the system satisfactorily in user acceptability, effectiveness, productivity, quality, and reliability.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the developed system is an effective platform to ease school document processing. Students and the school’s registrar’s office will conduct transactions electronically using the said project. The documents are processed promptly, and requests for school documents are responded to quickly and efficiently.
The significant result of the study prompted the researchers to recommend the system strongly. The researchers suggest the system for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the target end-users. The researchers suggest that the end-users should familiarize the features and functions of the system to use it properly. The researchers suggest that schools, specifically the school’s registrar install the system in the office to process the requested documents of the students efficiently. They can quickly respond to the inquiries of the students using the online platform. Students are also suggested to register in the system to quickly and conveniently request for school documents they need. Overall, the system effectively addresses the need for an efficient and cost-effective system to streamline school document processing.
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