Invoice Management System Free Bootstrap Template Source code
Table of Contents
The advancement of information technology is the driving factor behind the growth of the business industry. By automating corporate operations and transactions, technology provides organizations with a competitive advantage. In a product or service-oriented firm, invoice records are critical since they serve as proof of the company’s services and the payment owed by customers. Invoice records assist the organization in keeping track of sales and finances. Before the widespread adoption of technology, many businesses relied on a manual approach to keep track of their invoices. The manual method of recording invoices is prone to human mistakes and would make it difficult for the company to assess and track its sales and financial status. Due to possible human errors, particularly in the manual calculation of digits, invoice records may not be extremely accurate and dependable. To prepare timely financial reports, the manual procedure is regarded to be inefficient and unsuccessful. Businesses require an automated solution that will help them manage their invoicing more efficiently. Inlined with this, the researchers aimed to develop an automated Invoice Management System. The researchers will create a system that will make it easier for companies to manage and keep track of their invoice information. The company’s sales records, payables, and total invoice records will all be electronically managed using this project. The researchers will build the project using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to ensure smooth and full development. To act as study respondents, the researchers will gather a sample size of business company employees, finance department employees, and their clients.
Introduction of the Study
Technology is highly used for business operations and transactions automation. The capstone project, entitled “Invoice Management System” is designed to automate the management of the company’s invoice records. The said project will help companies to have an organized, accurate, and reliable record that will help them track their sales and finances.
A company’s invoice record is legal proof of the company’s rendered services and the payment client owed to the company. Many businesses currently manage their financial activities especially invoice records using a manually-assisted approach. The manual recording approach is prone to human mistakes and will not allow the organization to assess its financial status efficiently. Human errors, particularly in the manual calculation of digits, may cause records of expenses and invoices to be inaccurate and unreliable. In the preparation of timely financial reports, the manual procedure is regarded to be inefficient and unsuccessful. Organizations require an automated solution to help them handle their financial activities more efficiently.
Proposed Solution
To address the concerns raised by the manual method, the study’s researchers developed an automated invoice management system. The proposed system will provide electronic invoice management, allowing for the electronic processing of client invoice records. The project in question will ensure that financial records and transactions are accurate, dependable, secure, and safe. The proposed method will eliminate the manual process’s paperwork and other issues. The technology would greatly simplify the process of maintaining invoice records and will enable the organization to keep track of sales and finances in real-time.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The study’s researchers want to design, develop, and deploy a system that will make the process of recording and keeping customer invoice records more efficient.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To create a system that will automate the invoice management procedure.
- To create a system that will track all of a company’s or organization’s sales and finances.
- To design a system that is simple to use, can be completed in a short amount of time and fits within the end-budget. user’s
- The invoice management system will act as a storage facility for client invoice records.
- To assist businesses with their financial operations.
- To create a system that is simple to use, safe, dependable, and convenient.
- To assess the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126 and the following quality attributes:
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Scope of the Study
This study concentrates on the development process of the Invoice Management System. The system is limited only to electronic recording and safe-keeping of invoice records that will allow companies to track their sales and finances. The researchers will develop an invoice management system that is simple to use, safe, reliable, and convenient. The researchers will gather a sample size of business company employees, finance department employees, and their clients.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is significant to the following individuals or groups:
Business Organizations. They will be able to manage invoices more efficiently and simply with the help of the system. The technology will improve the company’s ability to handle invoices, sales, and other financial operations.
Finance Department. They will be aided in carrying out their jobs, which include financial transactions, primarily invoice recording, more efficiently with the help of the system. The aforementioned endeavor will make the finance department’s work easier.
Clients. The system will ensure accurate calculation of the payment they owed for the company’s product or services.
Researchers. They will get more experience, abilities, and understanding in producing successful projects if the study is a success.
Future Researchers. If they want to make an upgrade to the system or design their version of the invoice management system, they can use the study as a reference.
Development Tools
Invoice Management System is a system that allows businesses to automate their invoice management processes. The system will allow businesses to keep track of purchases, sales, and invoicing in an electronic format.
This article will provide you with an overview of the kind of forms that should be included in an Invoice Management System. The template was created using PHP and Bootstrap.
The project’s documentation is accessible upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Please contact us if you require the project’s entire documentation.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, “Invoice Management System,” is a database-driven system that will allow businesses to store and monitor invoice records, specifically sales and finances, electronically.
Benefits of Using an Invoice Management System:
- Automated invoice management – organizations can use the system to process and track their invoice records electronically.
- Records Management – This is a database system that makes invoice records electronic, safe, accurate, dependable, and quick.
- Fast Transactions – Invoices and other financial transactions will be processed quickly and easily.
How the System Works
This article will discuss the features and functions of the system. The researchers will explain the forms. modules and user interface f the system.
Login Form – this form will be used by end-users to log in to the system. The users will need to input the correct combination of their username and password to access the features and records of the system.
The image shown below is the system’s Login Form.

Admin Account
Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the system administrator. The admin can access major records in the dashboard that requires management.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of Invoices
- Number of Clients
- Total Collection
- Number of Products
Shown below is the layout of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Client Information Management – this module will allow the admin to add, edit, update or delete clients’ information in the system. The admin will encode and manage the client’s information.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Company Name
- Address
- Contact No
- Contact Person
- Website
- Official Email Address
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the design of the Client Information Management module.

Product Category – this module will allow the admin to input the product category name that the business offered to the clients.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Category name
- Description
Shown below is the design of the product category module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Product Information – this form will allow the admin to add, edit, update or delete product information in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information:
- Category
- Barcode
- Product name
- Image
- Amount
Shown below is the layout of the Product Information form.

Invoice Management – this module will allow the admin to manage the records of invoices in the system. The admin will encode the record of the product or services offered by the company and the payment owed by the clients.
The image shown below is the design of the Invoice Management module.

Manage Payment – this module will let the system administrator manage the payments of the clients. The admin will input the client’s payment information.
Shown below is the layout of the Manage Payment module.

Collection Report – this page will display the income collection report of the company by month. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
The image displayed below is the Collection Report page design.

Balance Report – this will allow the system administrator to manage the balance report of the company’s invoices.
The following information will be encoded for the balance report:
- Client Name
- Number of Invoices
- Total Invoice Amount
- Total Payment
- Balance
Shown below is the design of the Balance Report page.

Client Account
Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the clients when logged in to the system. The clients can access major records that reflect their activity in the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of invoices
- Number of products
- Balance
The image displayed below is the design of the client’s Dashboard.

Invoice – this module will allow the clients to view their records of invoices in the system.
The image shown below is the design of the Invoice module.

Payment List – this page will allow the clients to view the list of payments they owed to the company.
The image below is the Payment List page design. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Company Balance – this page displays the client’s balance in the company. This page will have print and export buttons that can be executed by the clients.
- Number of Invoices
- Total Invoice Amount
- Total Payment
- Balance
Shown below is the design of the Company Balance page.

Company Profile – this page displays the company’s profile. The page displays the necessary information about the company.
The following information is encoded for the company’s profile.
- Company Name
- Address
- Contact No
- Contact Person
- Website
- Official Email Address
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the Company Profile page design. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Invoice management is critical to the company’s overall operation and profitability since it affects cash flow. Invoice records serve as legal verification of the company’s services and the client’s payment obligations. Managing invoice records is crucial for every business, and it necessitates a detailed procedure to avoid major errors that could jeopardize the company’s financial position. The goal of the project is to evaluate the manual way of handling financial activities in a business. The researchers came to the conclusion that the existing system is insufficient to fully improve the company’s invoice administration, leaving an opportunity for errors.
The researchers proposed replacing the manual approach with an automated invoice management system. The study’s findings revealed that the designed invoice management system satisfied the respondents’ and intended users’ demands and requirements. As a result, the researchers determined that implementing the developed system will considerably aid businesses in organizing and tracking invoice information. The technology will eliminate all of the issues that plagued the manual method, allowing businesses and organizations to improve their operations.
The researchers strongly suggest that the Invoice Management System be implemented. The experts recommend that businesses utilize the system to manage and store their invoice information. The system is highly recommended for its effectiveness and dependability, which may be provided to the financial department of the organization. According to the project’s experts, the target users should have a good understanding of how the built system would work.
The project’s researchers recommend the following:
- Businesses should think about using the system to keep track of their invoices and other financial documents.
- The system should be put in the company’s finance department to assist and electronically facilitate their work in dealing with the company’s financial activities.
- The system is highly recommended since it makes invoice administration simple, quick, and easy.
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