Cloud-Based Farm Management Assistant System Free Bootstrap Source code
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Nowadays, almost every industry and sector are already technologically driven, and the agriculture sector is not an exemption. The agriculture sector has now adapted various innovative systems that will help with the productivity of the industry. On a farm, no matter how hands-on they are, they are now greatly influenced by technology. On a farm, recording information is an everyday activity. Recording farm, crop, soil analysis, crop yields, and other necessary information is vital. The owners need to keep track of these various records to ensure the productivity of the farm. The capstone project, entitled “Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant System,” is a cloud-based platform designed to automate farm management activities. The system will allow farm owners to electronically manage farm, crop, soil analysis, and crop yield records. The researchers will design the system based on the needs and requirements of the farms. The researchers will then develop the project following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. For this study, researchers plan to collect a sample size of farm owners and workers from participating as survey respondents. With the implementation of the system, farm management will be easier, convenient, and efficient.
The capstone project, titled “Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant System,” is designed to serve as a platform where farm records are stored in a cloud. The system will allow farm owners to quickly and electronically record vital information of the farm and upload it in a highly efficient cloud in terms of records retrieval. The said project will ease up the whole farm management activities.
Big farms require efficient management to ensure the volume of crop productivity. Farmers usually need the records of the crops and the soil analysis to assess whether the soil is rich with nutrients that the crops need to grow. Managing a farm has a lot of records management to do if which relied on the manual process will impede the operation and goal of the farmers. There is an intensified need to address these concerns of farmers by adopting an IT-based solution.
Proposed Solution
To address the concerns mentioned above, the researchers proposed the development of the Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant System. The system will streamline various management areas in a farm, such as recording farm details, crop information, soil analysis, and records of forecasted crop yields. It is an all-in-one platform for recording and securely storing documents in a cloud. The said project will eliminate manual management and other barriers and difficulties that farm owners and farmers encounter. The cloud-based system will make farm management easier but efficient and accurate.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective-the main goal of the researchers is to design, develop and implement a cloud-based system to automate farm management.
The researchers specifically aim to:
- To let farm owners and farmers electronically record farm-related information.
- To increase operational efficiency and productivity of farms.
- To reduce manual and rigorous management activities of farm owners and farmers.
- To easily retrieve records for reference, especially the soil analysis.
- To evaluate the system’s user acceptability, quality, productivity, efficiency, and reliability.
Scope of the Study
This study focuses on developing a cloud-based farm management assistant system. The system is designed to automate various farm management operations and activities to ensure that farms are fueled with the correct records for abundant crop productivity. The researchers will gather a sample of farm owners and farmers to participate as respondents of the study.
Significance of the Study
Farm Owners. The success of the capstone project will directly benefit them. The project will make their farm operation seamless and let them meet their target crop yield.
Farmers. The system will help them familiarize the crops and the soil analysis they need to ensure that the crops will grow well.
Researchers. The study will help them to be more knowledgeable and skillful in developing cloud-based systems.
Future Researchers. The study can guide them if they wish to design and develop their version of the Farm Management Assistant System.
Development Tools
The Cloud-base Farm Management Assistant System is designed to streamline the management activities in a farm seamlessly. It allows electronic record management and retrieval of records.
This project will provide you with an idea of the forms to be included in a Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant System. The template was created using Bootstrap.
Upon request, the project’s documentation is made available to the public (chapters 1 to 5). Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, “Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant System,” is a system that will give farm owners an advantage in ensuring that they will meet their forecasted crop yields and productivity.
Advantages of the Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant System can be classified into the following:
- Easy Navigation of the Farm Operation – records management and report generation is much easier to process
- Records Management is a database system that makes the records electronic, safe, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system can provide real-time reports on the farm records
How the System Works
This section of the article will explain the features and user interface of the system. The researchers will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the system. 76cgh645@4gzh34 – password of the file.
Registration Form – This form will allow target end-users to register in the system.
To register, the user will input the following information:
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Contact number
- Complete Address
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
The image below is the design of the system’s Registration Form.

Login Form allows the end-users to log in to the system by entering the correct combination of their username and password from the registration.
The image below is the system’s Login Form design.

Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the system’s administrator. The dashboard allows the admin to access and manage significant records.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of members
- Number of crops
- Number of fertilizers
- Number of farms
The image shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Crop Information – this form will allow the admin to create, update or delete crop information in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information:
- Crop name
- Description
The image displayed below is the design of the Crop Information form.

Fertilizer Information – this form will allow the admin to create, update or delete fertilizer information in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information of the fertilizer:
- Fertilizer name
- Description
Shown below is the Fertilizer Information form design.

Member Information – this form will allow the admin to create, update or delete members’ information in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information of the members:
- Member Code number – system generated
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Contact number
- Complete Address
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
- Account Status – pending, active, inactive
The image below is the Member’s Information form design.

List of Farms – this form will allow the admin to create, update or delete farms information in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information of the farms:
- Farm Name
- Member name/Owner
- View Farm Map
The image shown below is the design of the List of Farms form.

SMS Setting – this page allows management of the SMS Settings.
The admin will input the following information for the SMS Settings:
- API Code
- API Password
Displayed below is the SMS Setting page design.

Company Settings – this page allows management of the Company Settings.
The admin will input the following information for the Company Settings:
- Company/System Name
- Address
- Official Website
- Contact Info
- Logo
Shown below is the layout of the Company Settings.

Backup System and Database – this module will allow the admin to manage the backup system and database of the project.
The screenshot shown below is the design of the Backup System and Database.

Member Account
Member Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the members when they log in to the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of farms
- Number of crops
- Number of tests
The image shown below is the design of the Member’s Dashboard.

Farm Map and Location – this form will allow the members to manage the map and location of the farm.
The following pieces of information are encoded for the Farm Map and Location:
- Farm Name
- Complete Address
- Farm/Field size
- View Farm Map
Shown below is the design of the Farm Map and Location.

Soil Analysis Test – this will allow members to access records of the soil analysis test; they may need to know the amount of fertilizer required to supplement the nutrient content of the soil.
The following pieces of information are encoded in the Soil Analysis Test:
- Test name
- Farm name
- Sampling Date
- Soil Texture
- View Analysis Details – button
Shown below is the design of the Soil Analysis Test form.
Soil Analysis Details – this will allow the members to create, update, or delete details of the Soil Analysis.
The following information is encoded for the Soil Analysis Details:
- Test name
- N
- P
- K
- Ca
- Mg
- S
- Test Result
- Interpretation
- View Recommendation – button
The image displayed below is the design of the Soil Analysis Details.

Recommendation Details – this will allow members to view Recommendation Details.
- Recommendation
The image shown below is the design of the Recommendation Details form.
Yield Documenter will allow the members to create, update, or delete details in the yield documenter. This module presents the forecasted yield of crops on the farm.
The following pieces of information are encoded in the form:
- Document name
- Farm name
- Crop name
- Duration of Crop/length of harvest
- Yield Goal
- Actual Yield
The image shown below is the design of the Yield Documenter module.

Soil Analysis Progress Report – this page presents the soil analysis progress report through table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Soil Analysis Progress Report page.

Yield Comparison Report – this page presents the comparison of every crop yield. The report is presented through table and graph.
The image shown below is the design of the Yield Comparison Report.

The researchers conducted this study to assess how the farm operates. The findings in the initial investigation revealed that farms manage a lot of records such as but not limited to crop, soil, crop yields information. With that, the researchers developed a Cloud-based Farm Management Assistant and presented it to the target end-users. The study found that the system built met the needs and requirements of the targeted users and respondents.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the system has great potential in increasing farms’ operational efficiency and productivity. The researcher concluded that the system would make farm management easier, convenient, efficient, accurate, and timely.
The significant result of the study prompted the researchers to recommend the implementation of the system strongly. The researchers recommend the system for its efficiency and dependability that can be rendered to the intended users. The researchers also suggest that the target end-users should familiarize the features and how the system works to use it properly.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- Farm Owners should adapt the system to help them efficiently manage their farms.
- Farmers are suggested to embrace the use of the system to lessen their manual works and allow them to take good care of the plants based on the farm’s records.
- Implementing the system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability in managing farms.
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