Web and Mobile Computer Equipment Monitoring and Budget Allocation System with Decision Support System

Web and Mobile Computer Equipment Monitoring and Budget Allocation System with Decision Support System

Decision Support System

The function of a Decision Support System is to input, process and output; Input is where the users add, edit or delete valuable data or information into the system, while in process the system computes for probability that will base the output of the computed amount of data and shows statistical outcome using graphs or charts to be easier to understand by the users.


Since the company is using Excel, a tool to improve processes still there are processes that need to be upgraded such as the way of collecting data and monitoring of computer equipment in every business unit, the computation of the budget to be allocated and the allocation. The company is held responsible for such instances, but such incident will not just take effect to the client but also to the company.


The proposed project will help the company and its employees to avoid or lessen and minimize errors in monitoring the computer equipment and allocating the budget to every business unit. With the help of online the system will be address easily from the users to the admin to other business unit without using any emails anymore.

The system will be going to implement in web and mobile and on how they will utilize their inventories easily. With the help of DSS the users will just send or receive some notifications if there are some broken items, repaired or under maintenance this may also check on how much will it cost automatically.  If the system will be successful the other companies/proponents may use it for their own business that is using also a manually monitoring of budget and inventories.


Monitoring of Computer Equipment

  • Computer Peripherals (Mouse, Keyboard, Etc.)
  • Software & Licenses
  • Computer Specification (RAM, Hard Disk, etc.)
  • Status (Damaged, Missing, Working)

Generation of Reports

  • Budget (Total Budget, Percentage of the budget per Business Unit, Price of other materials such as Software, Hardware, Licenses)
  • Inventory (Damaged, Missing, Working)

Budget Allocation per Business Unit

Integration of Decision Support System on Budget Allocation

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