Entrance Examination System Chapter 5 Documentation
This article presents the summary of the study. It also includes the conclusion and recommendation based on the findings of the study.
After conducting a thorough research, the researchers has summarized all the data gathered which was presented in this section. It involved the main purpose and the problems rose in this section. It also included the significance of the study, the research method used, the respondents, the research instrument and the statistical tools used. The findings of the study are also presented in this section.
This study entitled “Speed, Security, Accuracy and Usability Performance of Manually-Assisted Entrance Examination as Perceived by 1st Year IT Students: Basis for Developing an Entrance Examination System” was conducted to assess the performance of current entrance examination in a form of pen and paper in terms of speed, security, accuracy and usability. The study also sought to answer the level of preference of the BSIT first year students on the use of entrance examination system when grouped according to gender and as a whole and the association between the level of preference and the respondents’ gender on the proposed system which is the entrance examination system.
![Entrance Examination System Chapter 5 Documentation](https://www.inettutor.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Entrance-Examination-System-Chapter-5-Documentation.png)
Based on the problems raised, the researchers had formulated assumptions of the study such that the performance of manually-assisted entrance examination is high in terms of speed, security, accuracy and usability and the level of preference on the use of entrance examination system according to gender and as a whole is low. The researchers formulated hypothesis such that there is no association between the level of preference and the respondents’ gender on the proposed system which is the entrance examination system.
The study would be beneficial to the researchers, to the guidance counselor, to the student assistants as well as to the incoming freshmen students.
The respondents of this study were the 140 1st year IT students were 83 are female and 57 are male. The computed sample size is 104, which were determined using the Slovin’s formula.
The researchers used the descriptive method and prepared a questionnaire as instrument for data gathering. The questionnaire prepared by the researchers were validated and checked by some experts who were knowledgeable on how to prepare a good questionnaire.
The researchers also used the percentage distribution and the chi-square test of independence to test the significance.
After conducting a thorough investigation and gathering of data, and based upon the results of the study, the researchers concluded the following:
- Majority of the respondents said that the performance of manually-assisted entrance examination in terms of speed, security, accuracy and usability is low, thus, there is a need to change the manual system into a computer-based system.
- Manual system should be replaced by a computerized system for it would be a great help to improve the performance of entrance examination in the school.
- The need to change the manual system into computer-assisted entrance examination is highly agreed by the respondents.
- The use of computer-assisted entrance examination is readily accepted by the respondents.
Below are the researchers’ recommendation based on the findings and conclusion of the study.
- In order to have a high performance in conducting the college entrance examination, the manual system should be replaced by a computer-based system, thus, entrance examination system is highly recommended.
- Office personnel who are responsible for conducting college entrance examination should be given training or seminars regarding with the use of computerized system and what advantages does it bring to the institution.
- The examinees should also be given a brief seminar on how to use the entrance examination system.
- Thorough research and investigation may provide additional information regarding the advantages of using entrance examination system in an institution.
Credits to the authors of the project.
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