Digital Wallet Solution Free Download Bootstrap Template Source code
Table of Contents
It is undeniable that we have become extremely dependent on technology. People are dealing by adjusting to what technology has to offer and enjoying its benefits as we go forward to a smarter, more digital society. The ability to automate transactions is one of the benefits of living in a technologically driven environment. People can now complete tasks from the comfort of their own homes or with the use of simply their fingertips. Any operation or activity can be completed with just a few clicks away. Because of its convenience, online payment and financial transactions have grown in popularity. Through numerous online payment methods, technology provides a variety of options to pay without using cash-based payment. Individuals typically pay for products and services through traditional cash-based transactions. The traditional technique necessitates the use of cash and the human completion of all financial transactions. The aforementioned method is gradually being phased out in favor of online payment and financial transactions. The capstone project, named “Digital Wallet Solution,” is intended to allow people to store money online and make payments online. The digital wallet transactions accept a variety of currencies and provide a variety of payment gateways via which the user can pay for products and services. The system allows users to conduct secure and convenient online financial transactions. It will speed up payment and other financial processes, reducing the amount of time and effort required to complete them. The researchers will use the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique to create a project. After the development process, the researcher will then test and check the app to ensure its functionality and smooth operation. The developed application will also be evaluated by a panel of IT experts for further enhancement and improvement. Individuals looking for a quick, efficient, and secure digital wallet platform are the system’s target users.
Introduction of the Study
Technology’s utility has been simplified in every field or facet of human life where it has relieved individuals of the burden of doing acts that require effort and inconvenience. The capstone project, entitled “Digital Wallet Solution” is a digital platform that streamlines financial transactions. The user can store funds, digitally pay goods and services and other financial transactions.
Individuals used to pay for goods and services using traditional cash-based transactions before the advent of technology. All financial transactions must be completed by a human in the traditional method, which requires the usage of cash. Payments and other financial transactions are also manually recorded for future reference, which is prone to errors and might be misplaced and difficult to locate. The manual technique is thought to be ineffective because it takes too much time and effort and leaves a lot of space for error. Because manual payment and other financial operations involve money, consumers require a reliable and secure platform to store funds and expedite financial activities.
Proposed Solution
To resolve the aforementioned concerns, the researchers of the study proposed the development of the Digital Wallet Solution” that is efficient and secure to store and streamline online payment and financial transactions. The application will let the user pay for goods and services electronically and would not need to personally visit banks or payment transactions from establishments and other people. The users may utilize the application to automate the process of wiring their payments using any currency and payment gateways. The application will let users conveniently store electronic money and pay and process their financial matters from anywhere and anytime.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective- The main goal of the project is to design, develop and implement a Digital Wallet Solution app that will streamline online payment and other financial transactions.
- To develop a digital wallet solution that will securely store electronic money.
- The application will let users process and pay for goods and services in a fast and hassle-free manner.
- To develop an application that serves as a more reliable and effective means of financial transaction automation.
- The application will remove all forms of delay and errors that are involved in traditional payment and financial operations.
- The application will have a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and would not complicate online payment and financial transactions.
- To evaluate the system in terms of functionality, portability, maintainability, reliability productivity, and user acceptability.
Scope of the Study
This study concentrates on the development of the Digital Wallet Solution. The application is limited only to registered users and allows them to store funds, transact payments using any currency and payment gateways. The app is safe and efficient to use that will surely secure the user’s electronic money and keep records of online payments and other financial transactions. Individuals looking for a quick, efficient, and secure digital wallet platform are the system’s target users.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or groups will benefit from the success of the project:
End-Users. The system will directly benefit target end-users of the application. It will help them to have a fast, efficient, and secure platform to store their electronic money and process online payment and other financial transactions.
Researchers. The system will help them learn more and enhance their skills and knowledge in developing successful programs.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their guide or reference in making updates or even in developing their version of the project.
Development Tools
The Digital Wallet Solutions Applications is designed to store e-money and streamline financial transactions. The app supports numerous currency and various online payment gateways.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Digital Wallet Solution. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, “Digital Wallet Solution” is a database-driven system that keeps records of electronic money and financial transactions safe and secure.
Advantages of the Digital Wallet System can be classified into the following:
- Automated financial transactions – the users can electronically process financial transactions
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of transactions electronic, safe, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system can provide real-time reports on the user’s funds and completed transactions.
How the System Works
This article will explain the forms, modules and user interface of the Digital Wallet Application. The researchers will discuss the features and functions of the system.
Registration – this form will be used by users to register in the system. The users will fill out the required information to register.
To register, the users will encode the following information:
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Country
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the design of the the system’s Registration Form.
Login Form – this form will be utilize to log in to the system. The users will input the correct combination of their username and password to log in to the system. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Admin Account
Admin Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the system administrator. The dashboard displays major records of the system.
- Number of currency supported
- Number of members
- Number of daily transactions
Shown below is the layout of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Currency Supported – the admin can add, edit, update or delete currency that is supported by the application.
The following information of the currencies will be encoded in the system:
- Currency Name
- Currency Symbol
- USD Equivalent
- Status – active, inactive
The image displayed below is the design of the Currency Supported module.

Member Information Management – this module will allow the administrator to manage registered member’s information in the system. The admin can add, edit, update or delete members information.
The following member’s information will be encoded in the system:
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
- Status – pending, approved, cancelled
Shown below is the design of the Member’s Information Management module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Payment Gateway – this module will allow the admin to manage the payment gateways supported in the system.
The following information will be encoded for the payment gateway:
- Gateway name –, gcash, paymaya, paypal
- Type – automatic, manual
- Status
The image displayed below is the layout of the Payment Gateway module.

Deposit Transaction Management – this module display a table that stores the information of the deposit transactions. The admin will manage the deposit transactions in the system.
The following information will be reflected in the module:
- Transaction code – system generated
- Member name
- Deposit Amount
- Currency – USD, BTC, ETH
- Date/Time
- Payment Gateway
- Status – pending, successful, rejected
- Remarks
- Approve, Reject action button
Shown below is the design of the Deposit Transaction Management module.

Withdrawal Transaction Management – this module allow the system administrator to manage withdrawal transactions made using the system.
The following information will be encoded for the withdrawal transaction module:
- Transaction code – system generated
- Member name
- Amount
- Charged
- To Receive
- Date/Time
- Method – bank transfer, paypal, etc
- Status – pending, successful, rejected
- Remarks
- Approve, Reject action button
Shown below is the design of the the Withdrawal Transaction module.

Transaction Log – this module display records of transaction logs.
The following information will be reflected in the table:
- Member name
- Date/Time
- Type – deposit, withdrawal
- Amount
- Status – pending, successful, rejected
The image shown below is the design of the Transaction Log.

Transaction Settings – this page will allow the administrator to manage and update transaction settings.
To update, the admin will encode the following information:
- USD current value
- Withdrawal Charge %
- Daily Withdrawal limit
- Monthly withdrawal limit
Shown below is the design of the Transaction Settings page.

Profit Report – this page will display the report about the profit report. The report will be presented using table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Profit report page.

Number of Transactions – this page display the report of the number of transactions by month. The report will be presented using table and graph.
The image displayed below is the Number of Transactions report page design.

Member Account
Member Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the homepage of the registered members in the system.
The dashboard mainly display the following information:
- Current Money
- Number of Deposits
- Number of Withdrawals
The image shown below is the design of the Member’s Dashboard.

Deposit List – this module will allow the member users to view their lists of deposits.
The following information are reflected in the Deposit List:
- Transaction code – system generated
- Deposit Amount
- Currency – USD, BTC, ETH
- Date/Time
- Payment Gateway
- Status – pending, successful, rejected
- Remarks
Shown below is the layout of the Deposit List module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
New Deposit Form – this form will allow the member users to deposit.
The following information will be encoded in the form:
- Transaction code – system generated
- Deposit Amount
- Currency – USD, BTC, ETH
- Payment Gateway
- Remarks
The image shown below is the design of the New Deposit Form.

Withdraw Money – this module will allow members to withdraw money using the app.
The image shown below is how withdraw money module would look like.

Withdraw Money List – this module will display information of the money withdrawn using the app.
The following information will be reflected in the Withdraw Money List:
- Transaction code – system generated
- Member name
- Amount
- Charged
- To Receive
- Date/Time
- Method – bank transfer, paypal, etc
- Status – pending, successful, rejected
- Remarks
The image shown below is the design of the Withdraw Money List. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Update Profile – this form will allow member users to update their registered profile in the system.
To update, the following information will be encoded:
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Country
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the Update Profile form. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Digital wallet has become popular as we move forward to a smarter society. The researchers conducted the study to assess the current system of transactions for storing funds and payment processes. The researchers have found out that most individuals still rely on banks or carry cash whenever they need to pay for goods and services. Consumers require a reliable and secure platform to store funds and expedite financial activities.
The researchers thought that the current system is ineffective and requires too much time and effort for both sides involved. Thus the researchers developed a Digital Wallet Solutions and presented it to the target end-users. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the respondents and the intended users. The majority of the respondents have seen the potential of the system to easily and conveniently complete online payments and other financial transactions.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that the developed application is an effective tool to be used by target users to store their funds and streamline their financial transactions. The application would eliminate the need for cash and spending too much time and effort. The app will allow easy, fast efficient, secure, accurate online payment and financial transaction processes.
The significant result of the study pushed the researchers to highly recommend the implementation of the app. The researchers recommend the app for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the end-users. The app will allow the users to electronically process their payments without relying on a cash basis. The researchers suggest that the users should have enough knowledge on how to properly use the application.
The researchers mainly suggest that the target users should download and use the application for convenient financial transactions and safekeeping of electronic funds. The usage of the application will make online payment and other financial transactions easy, fast, accurate, safe, and convenient.
Free Download Source code
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