Vaccine Distribution System Bootstrap Template
Introduction of the Study
Table of Contents
The capstone project, entitled “Vaccine Distribution System” is designed for managing records of vaccine distribution and vaccinated patients. The said project will assist the medical front liners and patients in recording vaccination-related information.
As the COVID-19 pandemic struck the Philippines, everyone was in fear and worry about their health. One of the most effective ways to combat coronavirus is through vaccination. As of today, there are already approved vaccines for emergency use that are administered to the Filipinos. Vaccines are distributed to different vaccination center manage by medical front liners and are administered to the patients who registered for vaccination. Records management became a challenge in the vaccination campaign to fight COVID-19. The front liners are in need of an effective system that will streamline the overall process of managing records of vaccines, medical front liners, vaccination centers, and patients.
Proposed Solution
The researchers proposed an automated Vaccine Distribution System as a response to the above-mentioned concerns and needs for vaccination. The system will automate the process of recording numbers of distributed vaccines and vaccinated patients. The proposed system will assist the patients to register and reserve their slots for vaccination. The system will also electronically manage the information of the medical front liners, patients, vaccination centers and vaccines. The patients and medical front-liners can easily and conveniently access the information they needed for the completion of the vaccination process.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the project’s general objective is to design and develop a system that will electronically facilitate the process of recording vaccine distribution and vaccinated patients in the different vaccination centers.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To design a system that will streamline the process of recording vaccine distributions.
- The system will be used in recording vaccinated patients in the different vaccination centers.
- The system will enable patients to reserve slots for vaccination.
- To develop a database system that will store all vaccine and vaccination-related information.
- The system will make all vaccine-related transactions easy, fast and convenient.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following individuals or groups:
Medical Front Liner. The system will assist them in managing records of patients who are vaccinated and those who want to be vaccinated.
Patients. The system will assist them to conveniently reserve their slots for vaccination and register their information.
Vaccination Centers. Staffs in the vaccination center can easily record and manage the information of the medical front liners, numbers of vaccines and vaccinated patients in the center.
Researchers. The success of the project will contribute to the researcher’s knowledge and skills in developing successful systems.
Future Researchers. If the project will be successful, it can serve as a guide for future researchers in creating updates for the system.
Development Tool
The Vaccine Distribution System is a system that will automate the process of managing all related information and transaction for vaccination. The system will allow electronic recording and storing of information about the medical front liners, vaccinations centers and the patients.
This section of the paper will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Vaccine Distribution System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The project, “Vaccine Distribution System” is a database-driven system that will automate the processes of managing records of vaccination. The system will help in providing accurate and secure records of vaccines and vaccinated patients.
Advantages of the Vaccine Distribution System are the following:
- Automated Recording- recording of numbers of distributed vaccines and vaccinated patients will be done electronically
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of vaccination electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generate and provide real-time reports related to vaccination
How the System Works
This section of the paper will explain the forms, modules and user interface of the Vaccine Distribution System. We will discuss the features and how the system will work.
Registration Form – This form will allow the intended users to register in the system.
The registration form will require the following information of the users:
- First name
- Last name
- Contact
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Age
Shown below is the design of the registration form.

Login Form – this form will be used by the users in logging in to the system. The users will have their own unique username and password to be able to log in and access the features and records of the system.
The image below is the design of the login form.
Administrator Account
Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the system administrator. The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of Registration
- Number of Vaccination Center
- Number of Medical Front liner
Shown below is the layout of the administrator’s dashboard.

Registration Approval Management – this module will allow approval of registration made by the users.
The module requires the following information:
- First name
- Last name
- Contact
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Age
- Status – approve, disapprove
- Remarks
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the layout of the Registration Approval Management module.

Vaccination Center – this form will allow the admin to encode information about the vaccination centers.
The form requires the following information of the vaccination centers:
- Vaccination Center
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- View Map
The image shown below is the design of the vaccination center form.

Medical Front liner category – this form will allow the admin to manage categories of medical front liners registered in the system. The admin will encode the category name of the medical front liners.
- Category name – nurse, doctor, volunteer nurse
Shown below is the design of the Medical Front liner category form.
Medical Front liner Information – this form will require the information of the medical front liners to be encoded in the system.
The form requires the following information on the medical front-liners:
- Complete name
- Category
- Contact
The image below is the design of the Medical Front liners form.

Vaccination Schedule – This form will allow the admin to manage the vaccination schedules of patients.
The admin will encode the following information in the vaccination schedule form:
- Date
- Time Start
- Time End
- Vaccination Center – View Map
- Slots Available
- Vaccine name
Shown below is the design of the vaccination schedule form.

Vaccine Information – this form will require the administrator to encode information about the vaccines.
The form requires the following information of the vaccine:
- Vaccine name
- About the vaccine
The image below is the design of the Vaccine Information form.
Vaccination Registration – this form will allow the admin to manage information about the different registered vaccination.
The following information is required in the vaccination registration form:
- Complete Name
- Name of Vaccine
- Date of 1st dose
- Date of next dose
- Vaccinated by – Front liner
- Doctor comment
- Feeling of Patient before vaccination
- Remarks
The image shown below is the form design of Vaccination Registration.

Statistics Report – Number of Vaccinated by Date – this page displays the statistical report about the number of patients vaccinated by date. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
Shown below is the form design of the Number of Vaccinated by Date page.

Number of Vaccinated by Center – this form displays the information of the number of patients vaccinated by center. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
The image shown below is the form design of the Number of Vaccinated patients by center report.

Number of Vaccinated by Vaccine – this form will display the information about the number of patients vaccinated by vaccines. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
The image shown below is the form design of the number of patients vaccinated by vaccine report.

Symptoms Report – this form will display the report of the symptoms patients have suffered after vaccination. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Symptoms Report form.

Patient Account
Patient Dashboard – this dashboard will serve as the homepage of the registered patients in the system.
The dashboard will display the following information:
- number of vaccine type
- number of vaccination center
Shown below is the design of the patient’s dashboard.

View list of Vaccines – this form will allow the patients to view a list of vaccines with their specific information.
- Vaccine name
- About the vaccine
The image below is the design of the View List of Vaccines form.
View Vaccination Center – this form will allow the patients to view different vaccination centers where they can take their shots of the vaccine.
The following information about the vaccination center will be provided to the patients.
- Vaccination Center
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- View Map
Shown below is the form design of View Vaccination Center.

Reserve slot for Vaccination – this form will allow patients to reserve slot for their vaccination.
The form will require and display the following information:
- Date
- Time Start
- Time End
- Vaccination Center – View Map
- Slots Available
- Vaccine name
The image shown below is the design of the Reserve Slot for Vaccination form.
Post Symptoms – this form will allow the patients to encode the information about their symptoms after vaccination.
- Symptom – fever, headache, rashes, none
- Remarks
Shown below is the design of the Post Symptoms form.

The researchers conducted the project to lend a helping hand to the medical front liners by providing a system that will assist them in the vaccination program against COVID-19. The researchers have seen that the medical front liners faced difficulties in recording and accessing records of the patients and all vaccine-related information. This project serves as a response to the need for an effective system that will ease up and streamline the process of managing records of vaccination. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the respondents and its intended users.
The researchers of the study concluded that the developed system has great potential in assisting medical front liners in managing all records of vaccination. The majority of the project’s respondents and intended users have seen the potential of the system in eliminating the difficulties encountered in the current method. The developed system will assist the patients and medical front liners in recording and accessing all information about the vaccination program. The developed system will also keep the records safe and secured.
The implementation of the Vaccine Distribution System is highly recommended by the researchers. The researchers highlight the importance of the developed system in assisting front liners for the vaccination program. The developed system will provide an automated way of processing all related information about the vaccination. The researchers recommend that the intended user should adapt the use of the system to ease up records management of vaccination. The intended users of the system should be armed with knowledge on how to correctly use the system in order to correctly utilize the system.
The researchers of the study specifically recommend the following:
- The developed system should be implemented to enable the electronic recording of information about the vaccines.
- The researchers highly recommend the system to be used by medical front liners to electronically manage records of the patients and the vaccines.
- The implementation of the system is highly recommended by the researchers to be installed in vaccination centers to automate the process of recording and keeping records and reports about the vaccination process.
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