IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Barcode Based Event Attendance
The capstone project entitled “Barcode Based Event Attendance System” is a web based platform that will cater the transactions and record keeping of student attendance in the school events.
Scope and Limitation
The aim of this study is to design and develop an event management system for the Student Organization that will replace the manual method of attendance into a database oriented information system. This study will only include the attendance of students for every event or an activity conducted by the school and does not include the attendance of students in the classroom setting. In addition, the proposed system will only work in the local area network of the school which means that it is not an online system; the said system will work even if there is no internet connection.
Conceptual Framework/Model

Figure 2.0 Conceptual Model of Event Management System
The study is guided based on the Logic Model Approach to design, develop, implement and basis for identifying and measuring the impact of the utilization of event management system.
User Requirement – this is the part where the researchers have gathered information on the specific features of the system. It is very important to consider their ideas since they will be the one to use the event attendance system.
Literature Review – the researchers have conducted researches and studies that are closely related to the propose system. This process will help the researchers in the development of the project or system.
Analysis and Quick Design – During Analysis and Quick Design phase, the researchers will conduct an interview with the respondents (students and student officer). After the conduct of data gathering, the researchers will make an initial design for the proposed system based on the end-users requirements.
Data Analysis – The researchers will process and analyses the gathered data. The result of analysis will benefit the developed system to determine the solutions needed by the respondents.
System Design – In this phase, the developer will start to develop the proposed system including the actual design and layout.
Prototype Cycle – This phase includes three stages, the building demonstration, and refinement. The researchers will build a prototype. After building the prototype, the researcher will demonstrate to the client the different functions, features and how the system works. The last phase is refinement; the researcher will refine the system, including the flow, needs or wants and functions based on their requirements.
Testing – In this phase, the system will be brought for testing using the following methods.
Testing involves white box testing and black box testing.
- White box testing. Is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. White boxes are the IT Experts and developers who know how to test the system.
- Black Box Testing. Is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is NOT Known to the tester. After the above testing, results and recommendations will be recorded to further improve the system.
Implementation – This phase will discuss the implementation of the proposed system, if the recommendation and wants of respondents were met.
Deployment and Implementation of Event Management System – the design of the implementation is parallel, which means that the current manual method will still be in use while the system is also up and running. The purpose of the parallel method is to compare the results of the manual to the result of the database system. Eventually the manual process will be abandoned and the full implementation of the system will took place.
- Increase the ability of the Student Organization to monitor the attendance for every event.
- Flexibility of the system features based on the user requirement.
It improves the organizational performance
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