Complaints Handling Management System

Introduction of Complaints Handling Management System

The capstone project, “Complaint Handling Management System” is a system designed to help educational institutions to handle and manage complaints electronically. The system will improve the response time of the school’s management in addressing the complaints of the students, parents, staff, and other stakeholders.

For educational institutions, it is inevitable to encounter complaints that arise as a result of unsatisfying services or problems encountered from the perspective of the stakeholders. It is important for schools to efficiently handle and manage the complaints however most complaints are not managed effectively due to a lack of tools to promote the collection of the different complaints. The manual method of handling the complaints in schools is not effective to help the institution develop an effective plan to address the concerns of the stakeholders. Stakeholders under the educational institutions will be dissatisfied with the services if complaints are not handled properly. As a result, the need for an effective system to handle complaints about school is obvious.

Proposed Solution

To resolve the above-mentioned issues, the researchers of the study proposed a Complaints Handling Management System. The system will be able to collect all data of complaints made by different stakeholders about the school in order to easily evaluate and come up with an effective strategy on how to resolve the concerns raised. By using the system, all complaints will be centralized and easy to retrieve for evaluation. The system will let schools effectively pay attention to the stakeholder’s complaints.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective – The main objective of the study is to design and develop a system that will handle and manage complaints in schools and will let school’s management systematically evaluate the complaints and arrive at an effective strategy to improve their services.

Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:

  1. The system will store all data about the complaints in school for easy retrieval.
  2. The system will let the schools promptly and fairly address complaints.
  3. To develop a system that is efficient to facilitate complaints handling, evaluation, and management.
  4. To develop a system that will help schools electronically manage all processes involved in handling complaints.
  5. The system is efficient, accurate, and reliable to use.

Significance of the Study

The project is deemed beneficial to the following:

Schools. The system is a very helpful tool for academic institutions to address the complaints of their stakeholders and enhance the services they render. They can pay attention to the complaints and provide solutions.

Stakeholders. The system will help their complaints about the school’s services be heard and addressed by the school’s management.

Researchers. The researchers of the study will gain more knowledge and skills in developing helpful programs.

Future Researchers. The study will serve as their guide in developing their own version of the Complaints Handling Management System.

Development Tools

The capstone project “Complaints Handling Management System” is a system that allows automation of complaints handling, evaluation, and management. The system will electronically aid the processes required for addressing complaints in schools.

This section of the paper will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Complaints Handling Management System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.

Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.

Project Highlights

The Complaint Handling Management System is a database-driven system that will automate the processes in addressing complaints made by the stakeholders in the school.

The following are the advantages of the Complaints Handling Management System:

  1. Automated Filing and Handling of Complaints – the system will make it easier for the stakeholders to file complaints as well as for the school’s management to handle and address the filed complaint.
  2. Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
  3. Report Generation – the system automatically generates and provides reports about the number of complaints made by the stakeholders.

How the System Works

This article will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules, and user interface of the Complaints Handling Management System.

Login Form – this form will be used by the intended users of the system to access the records and features of the system. Each of them will have a unique username and password to be able to log in to the system.

Shown below is the image of the login form design. (visit our facebook page for the complete screenshot of the project)

Administrator Account

Admin Dashboard – the dashboard serves as the homepage where the admin can access tools to manage the system. The dashboard displays the following information mentioned below.

  • Number of users
  • Number of stakeholders
  • Number of pending complaints
  • Number of ongoing complaints
  • Number of closed complaints

The image shown below is the design of the administrator’s dashboard.

Complaints Handling Management System - Admin Dashboard
Complaints Handling Management System – Admin Dashboard

Manage Course – this form requires the admin or encoder to manage the course information. The following information should be input into the system using the form:

  • Course Code
  • Course Name

The image shown below is the design of the management course form.

Manage Stakeholder – this form requires the information of the stakeholders to be input into the system.

The following information of the stakeholders is needed:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Course – combo box
  • Stakeholder Type – combo box (student, parent, faculty, staff, others)
  • Contact
  • Email
  • Username
  • Password
  • Account Status – activated, deactivated

The image shown below is the layout of the form manage stakeholder.

Complaints Handling Management System - Stakeholder Management
Complaints Handling Management System – Stakeholder Management

Manage Department – this form requires the admin or the encoder of the system to input the information about the department.

  • Department Code
  • Department Name

The image below is the design of the management department form.

Bad Words Collection – this form displays the collection of bad words in the complaints made.

  • Bad word

The image below is the design of the bad words collection form.

Complaints Handling Management System - Bad Words Collection
Complaints Handling Management System – Bad Words Collection

Concern Category – the concern category form requires the admin or the encoder to enter the category of the concern raised.

  • Department name – combo box
  • Category name
  • Description

The image shown below is the form design of the concern category.

Complaint Information – this form requires the information to be filled out about the complaint made by the stakeholders.

The information needed is the following:

  • Complaint Code – system generated
  • Stakeholder name
  • Department – combo box
  • Concern – combo box
  • Complaint Name
  • Complaint Details
  • Attachment
  • Timestamp
  • Status – pending, ongoing, closed

Shown below is the image of the complaint information form.

Complaints Handling Management System - List of Complaints
Complaints Handling Management System – List of Complaints

Complaint Details – this form displays the details about the complaints made by the stakeholders.

  • Complaint Code
  • Department User Full name
  • Update Message
  • Date processed
  • Reply from student
  • Status (pending, ongoing, closed)

The image shown below is the design of the complaint details form.

Department User – the form requires the details about the specific department user to be encoded in the system. The following information is required:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Department – combo box
  • Contact
  • Email
  • Username
  • Password
  • Account Status – activated, deactivated

Admin User – the admin user form requires information about the administrator of the system.

The following information will be entered into the system:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Designation
  • Contact
  • Email
  • Username
  • Password
  • Account Status – activated, deactivated

The image shown below is the design of the admin user form.

Complaints Handling Management System - User Management
Complaints Handling Management System – User Management

Report on the number of complaints per month – this form displays the report of the number of complaints per month. The report will be presented using a table and graph.

The image below is the design of the report of complaints per month form.

Complaints Handling Management System - Monthly Report
Complaints Handling Management System – Monthly Report

Reports of complaints by department – this report form displays the report of complaints by the department. The report shows the number of complaints in every department per month. The report is presented using a table and graph.

The image below is the design of the report of complaints form by department.

Complaints Handling Management System - Report by Department
Complaints Handling Management System – Report by Department

Report of complaints by status – this form displays the report of complaints by status per month. The report will be presented using a table and graph.

Shown below is the design form of a report of complaints by status.

Complaints Handling Management System - Report by Status
Complaints Handling Management System – Report by Status

Stakeholder Dashboard – the dashboard serves as the homepage of the stakeholders that displays the following information.

  • Number of pending complaints
  • Number of ongoing complaints
  • Number of closed complaints

Shown below is the design of the stakeholder’s dashboard.

Complaints Handling Management System - Stakeholder Dashboard
Complaints Handling Management System – Stakeholder Dashboard

Submit Complaint – this form will let the stakeholders submit their complaints with complete details. The following information is included in the form.

  • Complaint Code – system generated
  • Department – combo box
  • Concern – combo box
  • Complaint Name
  • Complaint Details
  • Attachment
  • Timestamp
  • Status

The image below is the form design of submitting a complaint.

Complaints Handling Management System - Stakeholder Submit Complaint
Complaints Handling Management System – Stakeholder Submit Complaint

Department User – this form lets the department users view the number of complaints according to status.

  • Number of pending complaints
  • Number of ongoing complaints
  • Number of closed complaints

Shown below is the design of the department user form.

View Complaint Information – this form allows viewing of the complaint information raised using the system. The form requires and displays the following information:

  • Complaint Code – system generated
  • Stakeholder name
  • Concern
  • Complaint Name
  • Complaint Details
  • Attachment
  • Timestamp
  • Status – pending, ongoing, closed

The image below is the design of the view complaint information form.

Update Complaint Details – this form will allow the user to update the complaint details.

The following information will be filled out upon updating:

  • Complaint Code
  • Department User Full name
  • Update Message
  • Date processed
  • Reply from student
  • Status (pending, ongoing, closed)

Shown below is the design of the update complaint details.

Complaints Handling Management System - Department Update Complaint
Complaints Handling Management System – Department Update Complaint


The study deals with the development of an automated complaint handling management system for educational institutions. The main goal of the project is to design and develop a system that will handle and manage complaints in schools and will let school’s management systematically evaluate the complaints and arrive at an effective strategy to improve their services. Specifically, the project aims to develop a system that will store all data about the complaints in school for easy retrieval, a system that will let the schools promptly and fairly address complaints, a system that is efficient to facilitate complaints handling, evaluation, and management, a system that will help schools electronically manage all processes involved in handling complaints and a system that is efficient, accurate and reliable to use.

The study was conducted to assess how the schools are handling complaints from the stakeholders, the current methods and processes used by schools management in addressing the concerns of the students, parents, staffs and other stakeholders, and the problems encountered by the stakeholders as well as the school on how to effectively handle as a part of their work. The success of the project will highly benefit the educational institutions for the manual process will be replaced with an electronic one. The project aimed to help the stakeholders and the school’s management to efficiently handle, evaluate and manage complaints.


Academic institutions heavily rely on their stakeholders for them to successfully carry out their purpose. Hearing the voice of the stakeholders regarding their complaints will help for the school’s improvement. The study showed that the Complaint Handling Management System met the need of the respondents and its intended users. The majority of the respondents and the intended users have seen the potential of the system in completely eliminating the manual method of complaint handling which is very time-consuming and prone to delays and mistakes.

Hence, the researchers concluded that the implementation of the Complaints Handling Management System will provide an efficient way of managing complaints promptly, consistently, and fairly. By using the system, all the lapses encountered in the conventional method will be eliminated and will be replaced with an electronic method which will help educational institutions better improve their education policies and services.


The implementation of a Complaint Handling Management System in schools is highly recommended by the researchers in order to ease up their job in handling the stakeholder’s complaints. The system will provide them an easy way to manage and address the complaints and at the same time keeping the records of complaints electronically safe. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the schools in automating the processes in handling complaints. The intended users of the system should be armed with knowledge in order to correctly utilize the developed system.

The researchers of the project recommend the following:

  1. The school management should consider using the system in order to replace their manual method of handling the complaints made by its stakeholders and lessen the delays and errors.
  2. Complaints Handling Management system is highly recommended for it ensures effective management of complaints as well as keeping records of it electronically safe.
  3. Complaints Handling Management System is highly recommended to be used by the staff that is in charge of attending to complaints.


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