Introduction of Online and SMS Based Salary Notification
Table of Contents
The “Online and SMS Based Salary Notification” is a capstone project intended to be used by companies and employees to automate the process of notifying salary details. The application will work by allowing the designated company encoder to encode details of salary and the employees to log in to his/her account in the application and have access to the details of his/her salary.
One of the beauties of being employed is being paid. Employers manage the employee’s salary and are responsible to discuss with the employees the system of the salary and deductions. Manually, this requires paper works. Updates and discussion are done physically and is very time consuming for both parties. Sometimes, there are cases where confusion and complaints may arise due to physical barriers.
To resolve the aforementioned problems, the researchers of this project aim to design and develop a system wherein employers and employees will have a private platform wherein they can provide updates about the employee’s salaries. The system will let employers manage and notify the employees about the summary of their salary and the details about the deductions in their salary. The system will also notify the employee about the amount deducted from their salary to avoid complaints and confusion as to why the salary is not intact. By having this platform, the employers and employees can discuss details about the salary in a confidential, convenient and fast way.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective- The main goal of this project is to design and develop a web and mobile-based application that will notify employees about salary updates.
The specific objectives are the following:
- To design a platform for salary updates.
- To provide employees an application where they can get updates for their salaries.
- To let the employers manage and update employee’s salaries.
- The system will bring convenience and efficient transactions for both parties.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or group will benefit from this project:
Employers. The success of the project will help them in giving updates about the salary of the employees in a hassle-free manner.
Employees. They can have an accessible and available platform for the updates of their salaries.
Researchers. The success of this project will contribute to their knowledge and skills in programming.
Future Researchers. They can use this research paper as a basis if they wish to pursue similar study.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Online and SMS Based Salary Notification” automates the process of managing and notifying employees about their salaries. The system will allow recording of details about the employee’s salaries and send an SMS notifications to employees for updates.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Online and SMS Based Salary Notification. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
Online and SMS Based Salary Notification is a database-driven system that will record, store and provide updates about employee’s salaries. The system will notify the employees through an SMS about the detailed information of their salaries including the deductions.
Listed below are the advantages of the Online and SMS Based Salary Notification:
- Automated Information Management- information about the employee’s salaries are managed electronically
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of the employee’s salaries electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Automated Notification – the system automatically send an SMS notification to the employees regarding their salary updates
How the System Works
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This article will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the Online and SMS Based Salary Notification. We will now discuss the features of the system.

Manage Company – this form will allow the administrator to manage the company’s information. The admin can add or edit the company’s information by encoding it in the system using the form.
The following information about the company should be entered in the system:
- Company code
- Company name
- Company address
- Company contact
- Company email
- Company contact person
Shown below is the design of the manage company form.

Manage Position – this form will let the admin or encoder to encode determined positions of employees in the company. The following information stated below will be encoded in the system.
- Position name
- Job Description
The image shown below is the design of the manage position form.
Manage Employee – this form will allow the admin or encoder to manage employee information in the system. The admin can add, edit or delete employee information registered in the system.
The form requires the following information of the employee to be encoded in the system:
- Company
- Employee ID
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Contact Number
- Gender
- Position
- Salary
Shown below is the form design of manage employee form.

Input salary –this module requires the administrator or encoder to input the salary information of every employee and will send SMS to the employees about the details of their salary.
The admin will input the following information of the employee salary.
- Company
- Employee ID
- Gross Salary
- Total Deduction
- Net Salary
- Date Coverage
- Remarks
Shown below is the layout of the input salary module.

Deduction Table – this form will require the details about the deduction of the employee’s salary. The form requires the following information:
- Deduction name- (ex. SSS contribution)
- Amount
- Remarks
- Company – combo box
The image below is the design of the deduction table form.
API Info – this form will allow encoding of the API information. The admin or encoder will input the following API details:
- API Code
- API Password
Shown below is the design of the API Info form.
System Users – this form will require the information about the users of the system. The following information of the users will be encoded in the system:
- Full name
- Contact
- Email address
- Address
- Username
- Password
The image below is the design of the system users form.
Company Encoder – this form requires the information of the company’s encoder to be entered in to the system. The form requires the following information:
- Full name
- Contact
- Email address
- Address
- Company
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the company encoder form.

Database Backup – this form allow management of the backup database of the system. The admin or encoder will input the details about the database backup using the system.
- Backup name
- Backup date
The database below is the design of the database backup form.
Employee Account
Employee Account – this can be accessed by the employees who have accounts using the mobile application. The employees can receive their salary notifications through the mobile application.
- Receive SMS Notification
Shown below is the image of the employee’s account interface in a mobile application.
View Salary History – this form will allow the employees to view their salary history. The form will display the following information.
- Gross Salary
- Total Deduction
- Net Salary
- Date Coverage
- Remarks
The image shown below is the design of the view salary history form.

Admin Users – the admin users of the system will perform and will be responsible in managing information and encoding the data of the following forms stated below.
- Manage Company
- Manage Position
- Manage Employee
- Input Salary
- System Users
- Company Encoder
- Database Backup
Shown below is the admin users form.
Company Encoders – the company encoders can access and manage the information of the following forms mentioned below.
- Manage Position
- Manage Employee
- Input Salary
The image below is the design of the Company encoders form.

Employee Account – the employee’s account can receive an SMS as a salary notification and they can also view the history of their salaries.
- Receive SMS Notification
- View Salary History
Shown below is the interface of the employee’s account.
The researchers of the study have seen that the conventional method of processing and notifying employee’s salaries is inefficient and ineffective. Thus, the researchers concluded that a need for implementing a salary notification system is significant. The result of the study showed that the Online and SMS Based Salary Notification met the need of the respondents and its intended users. Majority of the respondents and the intended users have seen the potential of the system in replacing the manual method of processing the salary updates of the employees.
The researchers of the study concluded that the implementation of the Online and SMS Based Salary Notification will provide an efficient way to effectively record and store information about the salaries of the employees. The system will provide error-free record of salary details to the employees and also update them on time during payday. The developed system will make salary-related transactions easy, fast and convenient.
The researchers of the study highly recommend the use of the project in organizations or companies to manage the salary information and updates of their employees. The system will streamline the process of encoding salary information as well as notifying the employees for update of their salaries. The implementation of the system will significantly benefit organizations by having a convenient and fast way of transacting about employees’ salaries. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the companies and employees. The researchers of the study suggest that the intended users of the system should be armed with knowledge in order to correctly utilize the system.
The researchers of the project recommend the following:
- The researchers highly recommend that companies or organizations should implement the use of the system to ease up their job in processing and updating employees about their salaries.
- The researchers recommend that employees of the company should use the mobile application to conveniently have an updates about salaries.
- The system is highly recommended for it will make employee’s salary-related transaction easy, fast and hassle-free.
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