Daily Time Record System Free Download Complete Source code

Daily Time Record System Free Download Complete Source code Administrator: Manage Department’s Information (create, update, delete) Manage Designation/Position (create, update, delete) Manage Employee’s Information (create, update, delete) Print DTR Report per Employee Back-up and Restore Database Feature

Brgy Resident Profiling and Information Management System

Brgy Resident Profiling and Information Management System System Modules: Resident Records/Profile Purok CRUD (create, update, delete) Brgy/SK Officials CRUD (create, update, delete) Brgy Activities Blotter Reports Population Report Certificate Issuance and Many More

Visual Basic .Net Load Image in PictureBox

Visual Basic .Net Load Image in PictureBox In this program the user is allowed to browse image files such as jpeg, png and gif format, the selected image will then display into the picture box control of vb.net, information of…

Random Number guessing game in Visual Basic .Net

Random Number guessing game in Visual Basic .Net This vb.net guessing game will show to us how the random function works. The user will input a number from 1 to 10, the program will then matched that number to the…

Add, Remove item in Visual Basic .Net Listview

Add, Remove item in Visual Basic .Net Listview This vb.net program will show us on how to add, remove and load item(s) in the listview control. This program has no database, which means that the record you have added will…

Basic Calculator in Visual Basic .Net

Basic Calculator in Visual Basic .Net Hey guys! This is a basic calculator in vb.net that allows you to get the sum, difference, quotient and product of two numbers This is also available in vb6 and c# Open the project…

Lower, Upper and Proper Case in Visual Basic .Net

Lower, Upper and Proper Case in Visual Basic .Net This is a vb.net program that will convert your string into all caps, all small letter and in proper case format. Proper case means that it will capitalize the first letter…

Substring in Visual Basic .Net

Substring in Visual Basic .Net The substring will get a portion from the source string to create a new one. Mystring.substring(startIndex, lengthspecified) Substring function parameter:

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