Grade Solver in C++

Grade Solver in C++ Grade solver sample program in c++ that computes your final grade based on the prelim, midterm and endterm grades. The formula: Final Grade = (prelimgrade * .3) + (midterm * .3) + (endterm * .4) vb,…

Get the Average of Numbers in C++

Get the Average of Numbers in C++ This is a sample program in c++ that computes the average or mean of the numbers entered by the user. Below is the formula on how to compute the average of the numbers…

Compute the Area and Perimeter of the Rectangle in C++

Compute the Area and Perimeter of the Rectangle in C++ Example program in c++ that ask the user to input the length and width of a rectangle, the program will then compute and display the area and perimeter of the…

Increment-Decrement a number in C++

Increment-Decrement a number in C++ Increment means to add or increase, decrement means to deduct or decrease. This c++ program will demonstrate how to increment and decrement a number. The user will be given an option to either increment or…

If Else Statement in C++

If Else Statement in C++ Sample program that demonstrate if else statement in c++. The program will ask to enter a grade, if your grade is greater than or equal to 75 then you have a passing grade, grade less…

Basic Math Operators in C++

Basic Math Operators in C++ This is an example program in c++ that demonstrate the four basic mathematical operators in action (add, subtract, divide, multiply). The program will ask the user to input two numbers, then the program will display…

Display Date and Time in C++

Display Date and Time in C++ Example c++ program that gets and display the system of your computer. The program will demonstrate two ways on how to display the time; one is by getting the real time of your system…

Do While Loop in C++

Do While Loop in C++ This is program in c++ that demonstrate how do while loop functions in c++. The user will asked how many numbers he/she wants to enter, then program will compute the sum of the numbers entered…

Sum of Two Numbers in C++

Sum of Two Numbers in C++ A very simple program in c++ that ask a user to enter two numbers and the program will compute and display the result. Open the main.cpp in your preferred c++ ide. Happy Programming!

For Loop in C++

For Loop in C++ For loop demo in c++. The program will ask you to enter a number of how many times you want hello world to display on the screen. The number entered will then process and executed in…

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